Friday, 1 April 2016

Yaaram Ep 17

Posted by Saba Shiekh on April 01, 2016 with 1 comment

Veera wanted to go "Gallery of costume" at Plate Lane. Firstly she made traditional Russian knotted hairstyle of Amraha then told her to go with her.
"I won't go on cycle with you"
"so. Are you still afraid to ride on cycle?" Veera asked.
"Anyone can afraid as you ride a bicycle in full speed, it's ok till university but for going far with you on cycle... No way.We would go by subway or bus" she said.
"ok" both went to Plate Lane by bus. The weather was changing, Veera was started wearing long shoes with tight jeans like she was going to hunt lion. She made latest hairstyles of her hairs while she stayed alert like the agent of a secret agency. Amraha felt like she was her bodyguard and no one could harm Amraha now. She wished in her heart, might she become like Veera.
She didn't ask Veera about her arrival at the gallery, she assumed by herself that she was going gallery for shopping but after their arrival at the gallery, she guessed that Veera might be collecting material for her new article or taking pictures for her blog. Her style was not common as she was observing every dress in the gallery. Style of a secret agent...
"Don't say you've determination to steal something here?" Amraha asked in very slow voice.
"Are you thinking about me like this also?" Agent starred her with anger.
"actually. You watch movies like this"
"what do you mean? If I watch movies like this that mean I would act like this? Make me believe that there's no one in Pakistan like you?"
Amraha fumed like that she was angry on Veera and now she had no any mood to talk with her till evening.
"just stay like this, please don't open your mouth till I'll get that dress with a particular design which I wanna  get, if you wanna visit gallery alone, you can. I would search you after getting free" Veera walked like the speed of ant and observing every showcase with very detail. That time they were at the 18th section.
Not only in Manchester but in whole Britain, "The gallery of costume house" have its own identity for its different a variety of costumes. Gallery has the items above than twenty thousand. From late 17s to latest fashion, every dress of man, woman and children were available in this gallery for exhibition. Like that gallery was like a modern museum of those things. It was the place of worth visit especially its section of 17s, 18s, and 19s, no one could believe that was any woman wear gloves in Europe too. The scarf was a compulsory part of dress. They wore dresses like the flowy gown that no one could guess about the real figure of them. Then why did they stop wearing those beautiful dresses?
Changing is the soul of life, no doubt upcoming time would be worst than late centuries. It's happening because it was written in fate.
She was mesmerized to see those dress, they were stitched very neatly. Everyone wanted to stare them as compared to wear those dresses. The wax's dummies, who carried those dresses, felt like they were breathing and giving the ride of time machine to the beholder of their view. Amraha also did that time travel.
When she finished visiting gallery, she came to Veera who was sketching the dress standing near the Victorian showcase.
"now what are you doing?"
"I'm sketching dress for me," she said in the busy tone.
She was making a sketch of Victorian dress which sleeves were reached to elbow, there was net fabric attached next, of it which tied in the shape of a butterfly. The frock was made of three to four colors but its prime color was of light blue and there were many white fowls in the bottom side. It was a very flowy dress that Amraha could make her five shalwar suits from the fabric of that dress.
Amraha praised the choice of Veera because it was a really sophisticated dress. It was a splendid dress with which express good taste and marvelous work of maker. When she completed her work, the two came out. Amraha had two more hours then she had to leave for her job.
"how is this?" Veera asked.
"splendid! But what would you do with it?"
"I would wear it on my special day"
"on your wedding day?" Amraha asked.
"more than that," she said.
"which day is more important than a wedding, on convocation day?"
"in my point of view, there is one another day which is more special for any girl than her wedding day, a day when she has decided to mingle the tracks of two lives. When she has decided to comprise someone special in her life I mean it's a time when two people have decided that who is king and who is queen between them" while defraying these words, Veera was biting her lower lips and holding impish glee in her eyes.
"When someone would propose you, that day?" Amraha asked.
"actually. I made some changing there, that day when I would propose him.. that day when you'll see me" she pointed out to the sketch of dress "in this dress, then understand that I've done my job"
Amrah liked her confident because she knew that Veera was not the one who will be proposed by someone but she would like to propose itself. One frock was also liked by Amraha, it was a light pink colored dress on which red, blue and yellow butterflies were printed and they were giving the impression that they were playing hide and seek together.
Amrah was unable to raise the wish to wear the dress on her special day of her life which will be her wedding day. this desire was awakened in her heart abruptly otherwise, she never thought about this topic in her life. She even didn't think about the person whom she engaged, she was only interested in coming out from the environment of her surrounding.
Even though her wedding date was also fixed but she didn't have an interest in that person whom she was going to marry.
She often thought about why did she remain indifferent with everyone except Dada.
Why did she make a relationship with any other person, why did her friends stay away from her? why didn't she get closed to them?
When she asked Dada on this topic, he became silent but in later days, he answered her that she did this because everyone hurt her always.She always considered everyone in same balance, that's why her inner angst and complex didn't allow her to make social contract with anyone.
She and Veera reached Plate Lane park, cock and sandwiches were in their hands. abruptly Veera sprang from her place and gave an abuse in The Russian language. then she caught a hip-hop boy while doing skating and jumping on him like a superman.
Then she started to beat him by using her feet and fists with showering abuses on him. then she lifted him like kitten of a cat and threw him in the cold water pool with the splash sound.
A girl who was standing in the corner of the pool gave him more curses.
Amraha could understand the meaning of her Russian words which she was spoken during shaking her hands in the air.
"what did this jackass do with you?" Amraha laughed to see him running.
"he pinched in my waist"
"how did you throw him in cold water, if something would happen there or police will come, then?"
"Either police will come or army, it would unaffected to me. once in school ground, my class fellow harassed me, that time I was ten years old, he was a dirty and roguish person, every weak girl of school was fearing from him. next day I couldn't attend school because of his terror, when my father got to know about the reason of leave from my school then he dug me in the mountain like snow which was gathered outside of our home, I didn't have any warm cloth on my body, I was screaming with coldness of snow but he sat with me in silence, then he asked me one question, is that bravery that you're below the stake of snow or left the school because of so-called timidness and terror.
he asked this question to me many times, my lips turned livid and I was near to death then he said if you wanted to stay like a coward then stay in this arctic place and die. coward must die"
Amraha was starring her face with astonishment.
"do you know about the snow and coldness of Russia?"
"yes!" amraha nodded positively.
"snow is snow and coldness is coldness" what answer was of Amraha!
"snow is not only snowing Amraha! its death, white death, when you pour water in the air in winter, it would freeze in air, the people like you who belong to hot places, started to die in my country. By the way why do you have this least information about the world?" Veera asked.
"I know where is Russia,"she said.
"do you know what's in the Russia?
"do you know what's in the Pakistan?"
"I know what's, not in the Pakistan? what do you want? Did I begin to talk about Zaya or Abdul Qadeer?  I can tell you about the few cities of your country which held the treasure of petrol in underground, but even Pakistanis don't know about them because they never tried to know about them, because they believed on those reports which were made by so-called foreigners,  because those foreigners don't want that Pakistani will be starting to develop. they showed this fact them when they get to believe that they will get the authority of those resources. it's is saying in our Russia that Pakistani was able to salute when they were turned Indian into Pakistani and then they became an atomic power. but Pakistani couldn't get this salute again"
Amraha knew that she was uttering correct words, even Amraha didn't know, in which year, Pakistan became an atomic power?
"you did very bad to him" Amraha dragged out old topic again, she didn't want to be ashamed in front of Veera again. If Veera asked any common question from her about Pakistan and she would not able to answer then it would be so bad because  even a Pakistanis, at least, have the information  about Pakistan.
"no, it is not enough for him, cold water killed the dirty worm inside him"
"you're so brave Veera!"
"if no one dug me in the snow then I would not be brave like it"

1 comment:

  1. must say amarah is getting know the real world and life meaning...
