Thursday, 1 December 2016

Yaaram Episode 21

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on December 01, 2016 with No comments

Yaaram Episode 21

(Disclaimer: I do not own Yaaram, I'm just translating it)

"What's your problem?" Asked Psychologist.
"I'm victim of fresher flue" answered new student.
"Oh... But there's no cure of this... Be relax, time will heal this flue too"
And time healed this flue and almost affection of this flue had almost reduced on everyone. After welcome week, they often listened from there seniors and professors this thing. Sometimes, with humor and sometimes with sarcasm. Every student who became obsessive with university, it was was calls fresher flue. The victim talked very much, wanted to know everything, stayed awake whole night, ate so much, rambled in city without purpose, enjoyed the nightlife of Manchester like they came there as a tourist, not as a student.
At starting, when she visited different departments of university without the purpose, then Dayem's group said her seriously.
"It takes some time but you'll be alright. University is not going anywhere.  You've two years, you can visit every museum, professor, student, department, garden, library. Try to reduce your flue"
But she continued to visit university museum after that solemn advice. When she got free, she looked some departments and garden. Now, she got over the flue, so it was a big deal, if she went other department.
Whenever, she got the assignment, she almost got heart attack. She thought, if she couldn't do the assignment, she would be out from university. Even, she was not out from uni but she still thought about it. That time, study became anaconda for her which ready to swallow her. First semester was almost at end and everyone had vanilla cock and book. Library was crowded like that students are getting ready-made assignment there. Whenever, someone saw other's face, asked first question.
"Do you do assignment?"
Often boys negated the answer.
Second question: "How much?"

Amraha had six assignments and she completed four out of them. But she couldn't complete fifth one. Which was based on the criticism of the characters of John Milton's Paradise Lost, Michal, Raphael and Satan. It was not easy to even read the characters of John Milton and far away the writing criticism. The one who didn't understand the epic poem, how did she work on it? It meant, she had to work more hard to work from normal.
The time while assignments were submitted and completed, every student wandered like he lost something or there was very heavy stone hanging on their heads, which could fall anytime on them. In those days, if someone talked care freely, he  was envied by everyone because that talented student had completed his assignment. Everyone promised themselves that they would make themselves like that talented student but that promise repeated next semester too.
Amraha had to improve her performance. It was hard to master in English literature and linguistic for her. While, when she saw other class fellows of her, she thought to study hard, like they were doing. She didn't know how, but she had to get 75% marks in the semester.
It was her first class in uni and sir Robert introduced himself in class and placed handmade cards in front of them.
These were purple colored cards and it had yellow in colored written UOM, first semester, first day,  first class and there sir Robert's signature.
"Write down your name, introduction, and your challenge for semester and also your Moto"
Everybody had written cards and returned it to professor.  Whenever sir read someone's card, he stood on his seat and said hi to everyone.
"Who write the Arabic?"
Amraha turned to look at the class and she didn't find any Arabic student there.
"This would be Urdu sir" Amraha pointed out the card.
"Yes! This is my card"
"But I don't know to read Urdu" he answered with soft smile.
"You told us sir that this is our introduction and our tongue should be in used for this sir. So I should introduce myself in Urdu, isn't it?"
Sir Robert was looked impressed.
"Please read your card,pardon! But I know French and Italian but not Urdu"

Visit this link: Yaaram Episode 20

Monday, 21 November 2016

Yaaram Episode 20

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 21, 2016 with 1 comment
Yaaram Ep 20

(I do not Own Yaaram, I'm just translating it into English for English readers)
Why do you return it?" Aliyan offended.
"Don't give yellow flowers to anyone. It's symbol of hatred. We're not good friends but we're not an enemies either that you would give me yellow flowers on the day of my birthday"
"The symbol of hatred" he said with complete solemnness.
"Surely" she also answered with complete solemnness.
"Who told you this?"
"What do you mean? Everyone knows" she shrugged like that she was feeling sorry on his knowledge.
"Everyone who?"
"Uff... Everyone in the world.."  she felt anger and boredom on his questions.
Then, he laughed with all of his heart.
"How superficial you're Amraha! Either you concentrate on the foolish talks of those people, who propagate frenzy and hatred. Those, who involve into the law of nature and try to change it. Those are people, who even can't make flower themselves but they can declare some flower as the symbol of hatred. What's the symbolization? This is flower Amraha! Only flower. If it was something else, it would be complete in itself. It has completed itself. Look at its fresh color! How complete it is! There's no flaw in it. Just even, how much its pastels are soft and tender, enticing! No mixture of anything. No any silk of this world has softness like this, how much soft is this. Applause  the nature, praise it perfection. On the contrary, you're declaring it symbol of hatred that you never concentrate on its beauty and take it as dislikeable thing. Look at the sky! If whole world declare this nature as useless and scum, do you believe on them? Vast seas, blue ponds, green and white mountains, they all are complete in themselves. If someone symbolize them with something useless, will you gonna start hating it? In its creation,  this flower is not less than anything in this universe. This is king on its spot. There is crown on its head, which symbolize its creation. It has created just like you did. There is no bashing about it. There is no flaw in it. Any flower, color or anything which belong to this universe, is not hateable. But these are words of crazy peoples. Why are you studying the lesson which was written by the kinky people of this world absentmindedly, against the nature, for making unhappy the nature. And written for making nature ashamed"
Amraha was dumbfounded by his words. Her whole life would spent while thinking that yellow flower is symbol of hatred. If she was not told these things. It was like, she wasn't have mind.
"this is my personal opinion that it was result of the jealousy of the two of traders of flowers. Once had yellow flowers and his trade was on peak. His yellow flowers' garden was blooming very much. Other had... Lets assume, he had crimson once. Now then, the owner of red flowers thought that he should relate his flowers with some tender feelings which increase its demand and his rival's flowers with some those feelings which disdained by people. Then, he did this and he was successful in it. Look! How did you return my flowers to me. These flowers are master piece"
Amraha took flowers from his hands and ran towards the bus with such speed in which she was going. Aliyan was two stepped away from her.
"Who told you this thing Aliyan?" By taking out her head from the window of bus, she asked while pointed out the flower.
"Samaira" Aliyan exclaimed from his place. He looked the bus until it lost on the way and he stared the way.
In night, dinner was complete meal. She cut the cake which was made by Sadhna while watching online to Dada. Lady Mahar  gave her the cross bag on which university's picture was printed. Sadhna gave anklet, while Anon gave her the small handmade doll which her mother put in her bag for giving it to those whom she would like. One she gave to lady Mahar.
Amraha put the doll on the front side of bag to show everyone that Anon liked her.
She never celebrated her birthday because she never was happy to come in this world. However, she was disdained to thought that she was born on that day. A date, which Dadi was repeated by Dadi many times in a day like what had happened on that day. Once she told Sadhna those things, then she looked at her face with amze.
"But you're Muslim Amraha! And Muslims people don't do this type of things"
Amraha wasn't able to tell her that what happened among Muslims nowadays.
"There was one family in our neighbourhood, Brother Majeed. He was teaching at school and also running a tuition centre. When he got married, he was fired from his job and his tuition centre was on fire in the same month. Then, the roof was collapsed of their home. Everybody said that their daughter in law was unfortunate but his mother and he always laughed and said that these all things had happened with the command of Allah. But these things happened continuously, but they never heed on those things. They always said that our religion forbids us to think and say like that"
Sadhna was sitting near the fireplace, making socks for Aryan and saying those things in very decent style. She was no answer for the question of Sadhna that she was Muslim and Muslims don't think like that. Only her Dadi, Amma and other members of her family had answer. They were only able to tell that if Quran had not preached this type of things, then where did they learn from? And by doing and saying that they forgot that one day, they will pay their every word and they would be answerable. What excuse they would make? That that they were innocent and idiot and their answer was not accepted because one who Read the Words of God, never became the unaware and stupid, if one read appropriately.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 5

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 18, 2016 with 19 comments

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 5

After few weeks, he got his complete memories and he wondered, how much he changed during past years.  His short journey of his past, revealed many things to him. When a person, doesn't have something to do and his mind was awake, what will he do? Indeed, he would think in this all time.
But amazingly, Sanskar took every realization very well. Like previous time, he didn't cry every time, nor he felt the need of inhaler more and more. However, the ache in his heart, never subsided. But with realization, he understood the importance of Swara in his life.
Firstly, he thought how much she had aura of goodness around her, when he first time saw her. In his conscious time, he didn't realize it because his mind was busy in many things. But now, he didn't have any work to do, except thinking about his past, his situation about present and his future that if he ever wake up from comma or nor? Moreover, he also realized that how kuch he loved his wife.
He always saw her, as his prey, a livestock, blood ceil or anything near these words. But with the passage of time, he realized her importance in his life as well as his own feelings towards her.
She was like light for him. He loved to be with her, often showed his right on her. Because he loved to think that she was only his and his? How much possessive freak he was? Even, he was still possessive for her.
First time, he realized his situation and how was he in that situation? He wondered, why wasn't he dead or something? But God had others plan for him.
Meanwhile, he also tried to wake up but he didn't. Something or someone inside of him, was warning him, reminded him, he deserved the situation, in which he was laying helplessly.
During his time of comma, he first time felt something in his heart, which he almost forgot for long time. And it was fear. He wondered, why his heart was anxious, why his soul was restless. And suddenly he realized the new thing. It was fear of losing his most precious thing.
It was fear of losing his wife.
He was in comatose and he remembered what Meera did with him, when he couldn't give her, what she wanted. And he was afraid, he was afraid like hell, when he realized that he was unable to give Swara, what she wanted from him?
That time, he paused for few moments.
And in the first time, he wondered what Swara wanted from him?
He always thought, he had everything which ever a woman wanted.
He had very charming personality, lots of money, intelligence, sensuality and lust for women. Actually, not for every woman, but he had. He always thought, women only wanted good looking husband, good amount of sex and luxurious life from men.
But for his beloved, he asked the same question again from himself.
He remembered the time, when he had argument with Shanaya regarding this topic.
He claimed the same thing in front of her but she denied.
"If you think, the women only  want these things? You're totally jerk Sanskar" she retaliated in harsh tone.
"Oh! Then what do the women want? In my life, every women wanted all these things, including you Shanaya! You shouldn't forget, why are you helping me?" At that time, he didn't feel ashamed to humiliate her. But now he felt ashamed to recall the words which he used for his best friend. The only person, except Laksh, who never left his side before the arrival of Swara.
But with the passage of time, he started to respect her.
At that time, she answered him something. Now, he thought, her answer should write with Golden Words.
The Golden Words were, "You never get know about woman Sanskar, no matter how much life you spend with them. Women always want more than money and look. And it is care and love. Specially Love. No matter how much the whore, a woman would be! In her dark time, she feels loneliness and craving of someone. Who can share her burden and whose loneliness she share. No matter, how bad a woman is, in her whole life. She crave for true love, instead of good looks and money. That time, she would repent for her sins and it is the punishment of a woman that no one love tainted women"
That time, he didn't understand her words but now he understood how much craving and desire were in her tone.
He again loathed himself to use her. He could save her but he didn't.
But after the moment, he took one oath. That he couldn't save one very Precious person in his life.  But he never allow his wife to spend tough life,  without him. No matter, whatever it would take, he would sake up for his wife. For his unborn child and for the sake of their love.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 4

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 11, 2016 with 4 comments

Swasan The First Meeting (Season 2) Episode 4

Darkness was the first thing which he felt when he first time awoken from his long-lasting dream but slowly, very slowly that darkness extinguish and the very lovely face appeared in front of him. It was the face of his beloved. The face which he didn't see for few years, or these were years, or might be it was eternity, he didn't see that lovable face which only illuminated the light and he was the utter darkness. He knew, very deep down he knew that she was the only light in his life. The very first time, when he saw her, he understood the light of that girl but his inner devil, damn on his inner devil, thought he cursed that devil many times, but after realizing his love for his wife, he cursed more and more to the Lucifer of his life as well as his own self to being a selfish like this.
He claimed that Sanskar Maheswari could fix anything but that little girl of his wife, made him realized badly that some things were also there which he could not fix or correct. This was the time when mighty had fallen. That was second time, he had fallen. First was with his so called first love and third? Well! The third part of this trilogy was very interesting.
Yes! He had fallen in his own fantasy world, where everyone loved him, where he was still a perfect and innocent boy, where his girlfriend never became his wife and where his guardian angel visited him daily.
It was the day, after few months of his comma period when he first time got the memory of his worst nightmare. Yet, it was slowly but like  slow poisoning, it was painful and heartache memory for him.
Firstly, he got the memories of almost one year of his first marriage, or he should say, his second mistake. He already did first mistake by loving and trusting Meera.
He was firstly, feeling overwhelmed to gain that memory and bit numb because he never expected himself to end like this. He was smart boy and considered as genius. How could he fell for something like this? He wondered to think that. His thirty-two years mind was matured and astound at the act of nineteen years boy who married his minor girlfriend.
Maheswaries were always the one who obliged and followed the rules and regulations as well as laws. The family of Sanskar was really strict and he was always the obedient to his elders. He wondered, how did he go against them.
But next years was brought more wonder as well as pain for him when he got to know that the girl left him, for whom he went against his loving family, for whom he accepted the ragged life by leaving the luxury life and for whom, he loved from all his heart.
After the day of her betrayal, his worst nightmare had started. After that day, the solace in the words of his guardian angel, had rapidly increased. He felt the wetness on his tears many times. And many times, he felt the soft hands on his cheeks brushing away the wetness.
That time, he wanted to touch and clasp those hands, he wanted something more from those hands and soft lips, more than the mere touch or soft whispering.
It was nothing like the physical desire, it was pure desire of heart and soul and he wanted to fulfill the desire with his heart and soul, not physically.
Upcoming few weeks were his worst days of life. He witnessed every painful memory and the hatred towards the world. He got to know about his impish victories which he got by wrong mean and steadily, his hatred towards the world, became the hatred towards himself.
In his life, after life revealed itself to him, if Sanskar Maheshwari loved someone, it was his very own self but after the day when he got the memory when he first time sold himself, he started to hate himself.
In his previous life, he repented sometimes and hated his past life which created the monster like him. But it was because of his own selfish reasons. He loved victory and because of his past sins, he lost sometimes. It was just selfishness, nothing else.
But in his dark world, (he still didn't know where was he?) he started to loath himself. The feelings of self-loathing and hatred were very overwhelmed and he felt his breath stopped many time. That time, he also realized that he was the patient of asthma. He started to feel the inhaler more and more.
Though, in his dark world, which he understood that it was the hell for his sins, he felt the hands of his guardian angel and his worried voice.
She often told him about her would be born child and the suggestion of name. She wanted him to give the name of her child but he was lost in his past sins that he didn't think that he was deserve to give the name of new soul with his sins.
As he got the more memories, he started to feel the more hatred and self-loathing towards himself. Days passed and his overwhelming condition was subsidies but he was still loath himself to do those heinous things.
He witnessed himself, doing blackmailing to people, for his success. In his past life,he never thought to use short cut for his success and what he was doing, it was beyond his morals.
But his worst nightmare also brought something positive in his condition.
Compared to the previous time, he got the memories faster than before.
In few weeks, he got the memories of ten years and he often wept silently and again those soft fingers brushed away his tears.
He started to know his way of business, way of fulfilling his dreams of chain of hotels and the way he used everyone around him including his best friend.
His inner devil tried to convinced him that it was because everyone left him too. Everyone gave him great pain and he was just returning what they gave him but despite of his inner devil's solace, he didn't find one.
But when he was normal, he often wondered when his guardian angel would come in his life.
And soon, very soon he met with his guardian angel. He was happy after so much time, spending in his self loathing.
But if he know that his journey of hatred and self loathing, would increase when he got know about what he did with his angel, he never wanted to get his memories.
But destiny was cruel, isn't it?

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Yaaram Episode 19

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 09, 2016 with No comments
Yaaram Ep 19

"Skype was God send" she was agreed with this claim. She often talked to Dada, during her class time and she showed her face before sleeping of Dada. She purchased cellphone and often talked to him. Through cellphone, she showed her class and university to Dada. Before professor arrival, her class fellows said hi to Dada. "Hello Grandpa" and grandpa was overwhelmed to listen them.
"Amraha! These are very good persons"
"Yes! They are" she burst out laughing.
She also showed the woman to Dada, who was doing master in the age of two-less-seventy years. The woman who requested everyone that they should treat her, as equal to everyone despite her old age.  She also got offend, when someone offered her for carrying her library books. University staff had great expectations from her and they also thought that, she would brighten the name of Manchester University in all over the world. Moreover, on the convocation day, world's media would refer to record the success of Mrs. Ritchal.
"Dada! You also come here, even for any short course"
"I can't do any study in this age"
"I also asked the same question from Mrs. Richtel, but she answered 'Age...? Age doesn't matter, the main thing is the life which is running un our veins. And I have the same life as the new born baby inside of me. If life has purpose to be alive! So why not, I spend my life with splendid purpose. Before it, I had a purpose to raise my child and now I'm free from this responsibility. So I've devices to  adopt new purpose. In this regard, age and benefit don't matter, only goal and destination do.
Dada was wishing birthday to Amraha, when she was making breakfast with Sadhna. She held cellphone on the stand and talked with him while doing work. Sadhna listened and hugged her while promising her to make cake for her. Veera tied one red ribbon on the wrist of Amraha and other on her own wrist that she could remember that one would receive gift while other would give. Enon wished her by singing Japanese song. She amazed everyone by her song and when she finished, lady Mahar nodded and said.
"I expected that you've any talent in you, now from now, you'll sing the song for me"
She kissed on the hand of Amraha and went silent once again. Lady Mahar decided to arrange dinner.
And in university, someone was waited for her with the colourful flowers. She almost went outside her department, when he followed her. Might be, he came by running.
"Take this.. Time makes you alive"
"Time makes me alive?" She didn't understand.
"Your birthday is today, so I'm giving you my blessings. A person whom, time makes alive, he lives for centuries"
"Who told you this?" She smiled.
"I told to my own self" he thought, she praised him.
"Nut! Who told you about my birthday?"
"Oh! Sadhna called me, she was asking the recipe of making cake from me"
"Why British makes cake at home?"
"Sadhna is Indian" he nodded like obedient child.
Amraha returned yellow flowers from the bouquet which he brought from the garden. He looked at her questionably. Now, they were standing behind the university's arch. In from of them, oxford road was on full swing.
"Why do you return it?" Aliyan offended.
"Don't give yellow flowers to anyone. It's symbol of hatred. We're not good friends but we're not an enemies either that you would give me yellow flowers on the day of my birthday"
"The symbol of hatred" he said with complete solemnness.
"Surely" she also answered with complete solemnness.
"Who told you this?"
"What do you mean? Everyone knows" she shrugged like that she was feeling sorry on his knowledge.
"Everyone who?"
"Uff... Everyone in the world.."  she felt anger and boredom on his questions.
Then, he laughed with all of his heart.
"How superficial you're Amraha!"

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on November 08, 2016 with 4 comments
Swasan The First Meeting Season 2 Episode 3

The first meeting with his beloved guardian angel was magnificent for him. After that incident, he started to waiting for her, when she would come to him and when he would listen her melodious voice and soft touches.
She came to him regularly and said strange things which he didn't understand but didn't feel anything but like those words of her.
After few days, he started to feel love-stuck teenage and suddenly, he realized that he was not seven but thirteen years old boy. His thirteen years life memories came to him slowly that he didn't flinch on any new memory. Yes! His childhood was magnificent and he loved everything around this. He recalled the birth of his sister when he was 6th, he was very happy. But Laksh, his cousin who was same age as his sister became real happiness for him. His sister was moody and rebellious but he was happy and obedient child. Many people wondered on the siblings that it was unusual for a girl to be like this and boy to be like him.
But he was the one piece and he was proud on it.
Yes! Beside happiness, confusion (that he didn't know where he was) he felt proud. He recalled how he got gold medal in school's races, first position in every class and shield in every type of activity. How he was favourite students of teacher and favourite child of whole community. He was a real prodigy but beside this, prodigy had a faith of aloofness.
For his age fellows, he was nothing but a weirdo. He was as much perfect that every imperfect person started to scare from him. He was not only intelligent, he was genius. He understood the wary look of his class fellows, who never became his friends and envious but jealous look of his cousins except Laksh.
Laksh was not only his blood and flesh but more than that. He was his previous brother and they both loved each other.
But now, his guardian angel was also included in his loved ones. But he often wondered that who was she? Why her touch and voice were so familiar with him? But he didn't have answer of all these? Whenever he tried to think and remember her, his mind got blank.
She was also came to him that night when he suddenly realized that he was fifteen years old and had completed her schooling.
He didn't understand why he suddenly got those memories and why had he lost it? Might be, it was just that he lost his memories and he was much adult than he thought. He was intelligent boy and he predicted things easily.
If he was ordinary boy that he must thought that he was under any spell but he knew that there was nothing like a magic, so he was must in comatose. But why was he here, he really didn't remember.
"You know Sanskar!" The sweet melodious voice came in his ears like a honey.
He felt that someone made his back turn. Afterward, she held his hand again and lulled him with her sweet voice.
"You know I've started his movement"
He felt his fingers touch with something else except her hands but he didn't get it. It was something round.
"Do you feel it Sanskar? Our child.. I never thought about it, even not after marriage but after getting this news, it was something strange but ecstatic. I just wish, you're with me..."
What was his guardian angel talking about? He was already with her. And what was the child matter?
He was fifteen and understood the child thing.
Is she? Is she his wife? Yes! It might be possible but how did he get into this darkness? He didn't have any idea.
But if she was his wife, it would be very beautiful life with a woman like her. He felt happy to think the idea.
"It's wonder to have him"
"Yes! Doctor said that it is boy" her melodious voice was felt wet. Might be she was crying again.
He wondered how did she get what was in his mind. Might be it was wonder of their love.
Love? This thing brought the enticing feelings in his heart but he also felt lots of sadness while thinking about love. But why? He didn't know but he was certain that something had happened to him but what? He didn't know.
Next time, she came to him, he was seventeen years old and about to start his university. Yes! He really was a genius.
That was a time, he met with Meera.
The memories of his beautiful girlfriend was ecstatic for him. He always thought how was she acted like a child or how her voice was so alluring to the ear.
He started to thought that his guardian angel was Meera. But he rejected the thought.
Though, both's voice were soft and melodious but there was great differences between both voices.
Meera's voice was soft, melodious but it was seductive and utter like chirping.
On the contrary, his guardian angel's voice was soft and melodious but there was something else also in her voice which he couldn't pinpoint. Like melancholy and pain, courage and determination. And hope too.
He could not pinpoint which thing was more enticing in the voice of his guardian angel but he knew that this voice was somehow his salvation which helped him to keep his hope up in his dark world.
Days passed and he got more memories, he was then eighteen years old and got his personal car at his birthday.
He was so much happy, his family were happy with him and he introduced Meera to his family but still he didn't get the  memory of his guardian angel. He didn't get know who she was!
Might be, she would come in his life after his eighteenth birthday.
He was eagerly waiting for getting more memories but unconsciously he didn't know that he was waiting for his life's worst nightmare.
But he would know soon. Won't he?

Last Episode here : Swasan A Path Hate To Love Season 2 Ep 2

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 2

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on October 22, 2016 with 2 comments

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 2

Love...? This word is uttered by people like honey but the one who knows the dark side of this word. The one who becomes the victims of this hunter. The one who knows how the bitterness of this enchantment; the one spits this word like a poison on their tongue.
Sanskar Maheshwari was also one of the person. He was mature and experienced man, who witnessed many black and white of this world. The one who knows the dark part of this world more well than light part.  From his childhood, he only receives lobe and appreciation and a person who is habitual of this type of behavior, what will happened if everything was snatched by him at once? He was one of them. But after many years in darkness, he found his light. But it was complete irony of life that he was so much sank in darkness that his light didn't effect on him or helped him to come out from darkness.
Om the contrary, he was started to polluted that light and he decided to die with his darkness. But the destiny had another plan for him.
After two months, when he thought that he was died long ago because he wasn't feeling anything. But ironically, he wasn't in hell either. It was strange situation for him that he couldn't understand where was he? And who was he?
For long time, he didn't recognise himself. After two months of his death (in his point of view), he heard some voices and felt the touch of someone.
Someone held his hand, it was soft hands which held his right hand. He wondered how he differentiate between the right and left hand, but his instinct told him, it was right and Sanskar Maheshwari always believed on his instinct or intuition.
That hands were soft but familiar but he didn't pinpoint where he was touched by those hands, but that touch was so much familiar with his hand that he thought that it was his own.
Someone whispered in his ear, the voice was husky, dry but at the same time, wet with tears.
"Look Sanskar...!" He wondered who is that Sanskar guy? But there was so much emotion in that voice that he envied for that guy.
"You want to go from me and look, I've gift"
A gift? Which type of gift? Did he was his guardian angel? He believed in guardian angel, his mother told him about guardian angel and he always thought that she was always around him. He often tried to talk to him but she always hid from him.
Suddenly, a light of blaze came in his mind. Yes! His name was Sanskar. But who was that girl or woman? Was she his mother? No! Sanskar knew the touch of his mother very well and it was not that.
He stopped the train of his thought, she told something else too. " gift which God gives me just for the sake because I love you and you've to love me Sanskar"
Love? What's this thing? His mother never told him about the love-thing? What was his guardian angel talking about?
"yes! You've to love me because now I'm also mother of your would be child, you've to come back Sanskar..."
Mother of his child? What was this girl blabbering about? He read in his science book that human needs to reach age of puberty to produce child? And he was only five. Wait? Where he knows about the puberty thing? No, any school teach this type of thing to five years old child?
"You've to come back"
Come back from where? Might be his guardian angel was talking about that dark world, he was in but he didn't know where was he? How could he come back when he didn't know where was he lost?
She puts her head on his chest and tries to listen his heartbeat.
He was confused and felt his forehead wet with sweat. What was happening to him? He was no love-stuck teenager? But was he feeling like that?
"I'm listening your heartbeat Sanskar, that's a reason I'm also Alive. Just come soon I'm not able to weigh this responsibility more"
What type of responsibility, was she talking about? And who was she by the way?
He tried to remember but didn't recall her. He recalled every women in his life. His mother, his aunts, his sister, his friends in school but he didn't understand who was she? She was not one of them.
Who was she? Her hand pressed his and that time he was nothing but response at that touch. He tried his best to touch her back but he couldn't. He just simply couldn't. After some effort, he gave up and try to recall again who was she until she left the room in which he was or he thought he was.
When she left the room, he didn't know when his mind went blank and when he went the world of dream. A world which familiar with him long ago but after very long time, he visited that world. And ironically, he was oblivious with this fact. But soon, very soon he would know everything.  And very soon, he would be granted with the second chance. A second chance which was given to very few person and he was always life's favourite. So, he really deserve second chance. Don't you think, he do?

Monday, 17 October 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Season 2 Ep 1

Posted by Fantasy Diaries on October 17, 2016 with 8 comments

Swasan a path hate to love (Season 2) ep 1

Love? This beautiful word is uttered by people like a honey on a tongue. But this sweet word has also side effects on the heart of its followers. Love is never just a name of delicate touches, sweet words or soft whispers, it's also a name of painful memories, sleepless nights and continuous ache in heart of its victim.
And Swara Maheshwari had always known the second and more painful face of the love. For her, love was never the name of sweet words and tender touches. For her, it was just the name of harshness, lunacy and sleepless nights. But never in her worst nightmare, she thought that her love would be changed into this heinous countenance. She was optimistic girl by birth. So, she always thought that everything would be alright one day. Yes!  it'll take time but it'll must be alright.
The night when she woke up from her nightmare and found Sanskar in crimson liquid. That time, she thought it was just another nightmare. Those days, she was continuously witnessing those nightmares. She wished from all of her heart that it would be nightmare but it was not. Alas! It was not.
That time, she didn't feel any pain. It was strange, she thought she would be died with Sanskar but she didn't because he didn't. He was alive but mere breathing. Only his faint heart beat and fake breathing were evident of his life. His dominant aura, his bossy personality, his charming smile as well as his demons, everything lost after that incident. And with that, his wife was also lost. Only difference was that her heart beat and breathing were not artificial like her husband. She was very much alive in the eyes of world but she lost the meaning of life.
That time, when Laksh came to her and offered her to sell the hotels. That time she awoke from her worst nightmare. She knew, very well knew that those hotels were not only business for her husband. But those were her husband's first and last love, his only true love. However, if she could read my mind her husband, she would know that he had also another true love of his life, but she didn't know telepathy, so she was just oblivious.
But it was not only a matter of just hotels, it was the the matter of the despair in her brother-in-law's eyes. She knew very well, Laksh was Sanskar's closet person, if Laksh lost the hope of Sanskar's life, no one could hope. But she was not included no one, she was exceptional. That time, her inner optimistic girl moved but that girl awoke completely when she got to know that she was carrying her lover's child.
It was completely unexpected but it was just like the bloomless flower in the coldness of autumn. She understood the secrets of the life and that time she was started to understand those secrets. She understood, her child existence was a sign, a signal from God. That might be, parents gave up on their child, brother gave up on his sibling but wife never should gave up on his husband. Because it was first relationship in this world.
And her inner optimistic girl had awoken completely after the news of her pregnancy. She fidgeted from her lost self and saw the world with open eyes. She got to know that  she was not alone within her miserable self. Another new life was living inside of her only. Not only this, her husband's dreams and his responsibilities were also on her shoulder. That time, she changed from silent and diffidence girl to confident and responsible woman.
But she never knew one thing that God liked her change and soon she would be granted with the great reward of her life.

Friday, 19 August 2016

An Incomplete Scrapbook (In The Changing Times) Episode 26 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on August 19, 2016 with 12 comments
Swara's POV
When the clouds clad sky, darkness prevailed everywhere irrespective with the presence of twilight; likewise when I saw the caller ID of Laksh in Sanskar's phone, my entire senses came to a grinding halt. In a confusing state, I picked up the call. Before I could utter a single word, I heard Laksh's voice.

Though I was pretty sure that it would be Laksh after seeing the caller ID, still somewhere in the deep corner of my heart, a little hope was enduring to deny this fact. But alas! Till now I must be knowing that how fragile my hope & happiness were! & how eager the universe was to take it away from me!

Breaking my series of thoughts, Laksh said hurriedly,"Are you listening to me, Sanskar? Don't worry buddy. Mr.Johnson has updated me regarding Swara's status & she will be fine soon. I am going to my village as my mother's health is in critical stage. Connectivity will be an issue there. Now I am in a hurry & will catch you later." And the phone was disconnected even before our conversation would begin.

Truly, there were winds of destiny that blew when we least expected them. Sometimes they gusted with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fanned one's cheek. But the winds couldn't be denied as the unseen future would be relied upon them which would be impossible to ignore.

Though I didn't want to suspect Sanskar, but the series of unfolding events were persuading me to do so. However, my sane heart had surmounted the draconian thoughts of my mind. Earlier also I disbelieved Sanskar upon various issues, only to discover his care behind the mist of lies. So, this time I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake of doubting my life. Yes! Indeed he was my life.

There must be a potent cause with him to conceal the truth of Laksh in front of me, I thought. What had happened now was unfortunate & what was going to happen would be uncertain, only this much I could summarize from the past events. I removed the received call of Laksh from the call list as I wanted Sanskar to tell me the truth desirably, not compulsively.

I peeped outside the house through windows. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper & deeper shades of night. Though it was beautiful & delightful sight to behold the body of the moon but at this crucial time, I was worried for Sanskar as he hadn't returned yet.

But as I was aware that god had his own plans to execute on time, the door bell rang & I rushed to open the door to find Sanskar was standing there in an unhurt condition.

As soon as I was going to ask him about the cause of delay, he hugged me tightly. This wasn't a normal hug, I felt. The kind of compassion & edginess pervaded in this hug, compelled me to think something undesirable had happened. So, breaking the hug, I asked him in a surprised tone,"Sanskar, is everything OK? Has something happened?" He just lowered his gaze & avoided making any eye contact with me & whispered,"Nothing... I just want to stay curled & cozied forever in your arms."

Though I blushed after listening to his sayings, still I was feeling insecure, like the storm surge was gushing towards us & deluged us with its herculean speed. Breaking my thoughts, he asked funnily,"Can I come inside?" Lovingly I hit him on his chest & we came inside.

He conveyed me all the minute details of medication & rehabilitation centers & it's entire procedures before going to refreshment. I didn't exhibit a single sign of anxiety on my face regarding Laksh's phone call else his strong instinct could recognize it easily.

In the meantime, I prepared dinner & while taking food, he uttered in a sluggish tone,"I want to tell you something." I looked at him intently after diverting my attention from food & said,"Sanskar, please open up. Is there anything serious?" Somewhat, I assumed that was he going to confess about Laksh? I became a bit serious but still kept mum & waited for his reaction.

He clasped my hands & said,"Ermm.. I am going to apply for writer's job in the City Light Publishers." I squealed in happiness,"What?" In an astonished tone, he asked,"Aren't you angry upon my decision?" I gave him an amazed look & said,"Why will I be angry on this, Sanskar? It is a good thing that you are embracing a humanly lifestyle & moving on in your life by forgetting your past."

Cutting my words, he said,"But Swara! I am not a civilised human being.. I am a slayer.." I put my finger on his lips to stop him from saying further bogus things & uttered,"Correct yourself Sanskar! You were a slayer. Now you are pretty much civilised & possess all the characteristics of a civilised person. Trust me, you should give this job a try. But you have never said about your writing skills..."

After getting my assurance, he smiled feebly & said,"I am used to do writing during my teenage before this darkness has engulfed me. But now I can give a fresh start to my life by staying by your side." I gave him the much needed courage by my gestures & said,"Great Mr. Writer! One day our children will read your novels & will be proud of you.." He asked me huskily,"Do you think so?" I nodded positively.

In excitement, he said,"The love of a child is life's greatest blessing. Hopefully, I will try to fulfill all my fatherly responsibilities & will safeguard my child till my last breath unlike my father..." & his voice choked.

With each passing days, I was viewing different shades of him. I felt guilty. He had every right to desire for a family life but was it possible for me to conceive? Could I give him this happiness? Well! I was unable to get the answer as it would depend upon the outcomes of my medication procedures. What if I wouldn't able to conceive at all? These very thoughts agitated me & a few drops of tears came down from my eyes.

It didn't take a minute for him to understand my pain. He tugged the curls behind my ear & wiped out the tears. He touched my cheeks lovingly & said,"Till today, we haven't experienced the real care of our parents. However life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. Now, we have each other & we have everything. Forget the past & don't be apprehensive about future. I want to hold this moment & stay with you like this forever. Ya swara! 'Forever'... I know, forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending by your side.. Remember! Only you are my priority."

This happened when a person knew you inside out.. Without uttering regarding my pregnancy issue, he emphasized me as his everything. In a blissful voice, I said,"When forever becomes a place, when forever ceases to be just a word, when it ceases to be just a measurement of time... but instead becomes a place where soulmates can dance to the song in their hearts that is reflection of true love.... And I am glad Sanskar, I have found you."

This time he cut my words & said,"Rectify Swara! WE HAVE FOUND US!" I chuckled & he kissed on my forehead gently & again said,"Now you take rest. You have to get up early to go to the medication center. I need to pendown certain stories to send to the publication house for getting this job." I nodded & washed the dishes before going to sleep.

Sanskar's POV:
In a barren land, we were running. Swara had already developed swells on her legs. She couldn't run & was staggering now. I shouted,"Swara! Run... We need to get out of this place as soon as possible." In a fainting tone, she said,"I can't run anymore..." I didn't have any other way than to hold her in my arms. So, I grasped her tightly in my arms & started running furiously.. Just then I heard a sound,"Bang!" & she fell down from my arms with pool of bloods. I screamed,"SWARA" & then realised she was no more....

I suddenly opened up my eyes to find myself in my room with laptop in my lap. The half written story was flashing on the screen. 'Oh gosh! It is a nightmare.', I thought while wiping out the sweats from my forehead.

I checked Swara's room. She was sleeping peacefully. I got a sense of relaxation. But I was sure that the storm was coming nearer to me & this nightmare had indicated my state of mind. After I felt someone's presence while returning to home, a sense of fear and uncertainty was brewing up inside me! Somewhere I felt my captain was behind all this progress.

As soon as my captain's thoughts echoed in my brain, suddenly one name came to my mind was 'Laksh'. He could only guide me & exhibit certain paths. I was still unaware about captain's feelings for me. Was he thinking me as dead or still was he adamant to track me? Honestly! I was ignorant about all these aspects & only Laksh could put forth some light on this matter.

I rushed to my room & searched for my phone. In all these chaos, I had literally forgotten to check my phone after returning to home. I got my phone which was placed on the table. I opened the call list to dial Laksh but I saw a missed call from his number probably during the time I was outside. There was no received call from his number. 'Oh god! Thankfully neither Swara has heard the ringtone of my phone nor she has received it else I will be in a big hurdle.", I thought & dialed to Laksh. But his number was constantly giving the message of out of coverage area. Might be he was in some mission or might be due to weather problem, the network issue was persisted, I thought & kept the phone on table & went to sleep though sleep was far away from my eyes...

Time provided all of us with the opportunity to change, to alter our belief system & to create new perspective that challenged a person's character & taught him how to become a happier & wiser person! True indeed! From the past fifteen days, my lifestyle had changed drastically. I got the writer's job in the city lights publication house & swara's medication was also progressing well.

Everything in life had changed except one thing. From the past 15 days, I was unable to contact Laksh. Every time I called, his number was out of reach. I was no idea about his whereabouts! My series of thoughts were broken down when I received a mail to develop a new story under the title of 'The reason I breathe is you'....

Friday, 24 June 2016

I'm Hope Ep 24

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 24, 2016 with 4 comments

The next morning was brighter than any other day of her life.
He already went for workout when she awoke in morning.
Firstly she didn't get the place but after recalling the night incident, she slowly smiled cordially after long time.
But suddenly her smile interrupted by the threatening knock of her door.
She practically jumped from her place and the pang of last night started to devouring her happiness again.
But next moment she jerked every ominous thought from her mind and opened the door.
It was Faraz's mother, she greeted her after watching her. But she ill-mannerly ignored her greeted and spit out next sentence.
"be ready Umeed! You've to go to your home" her tone was flat but disturb as well.
"what happened... Mama?" She hesitantly called her with the right status.
" Romana  attempt suicide and she succeeded"
Suddenly her heart tugged in the cage of her chest faltered and her mind didn't decode what her mother in law just spitted out because her mind was completely numb.
Abruptly, color of her eyes changed, it turned honey color to dark brown like the wood in the night without moon.
"get ready beta! We've to go there, I already informed Faraz, he was about to come" Mrs Agha Haroon again said in her calm voice but her mind couldn't able to decipher her words.
Her mother in law's narrowed her eyes then observed her condition thoroughly.
She came to her, held her by her shoulder "I understand your condition but we've to move there. You should be brave because you've to console your family and specially your mother, so hurry up.... We don't have so much time" she patted her face then slowly leaved her shoulder then her room too.
But Umeed was still there, she repeated words of her mother-in-law in her mind again and again but her mind wasn't able to recognize what happened.
She didn't count minutes during her shock state, when Faraz entered  the room, he stopped to see her on the entrance of their room.
He was in his jogging suits, his hairs were wet and anyone could easily sense sweat all over his expose muscles and strain on his face. Seem like he rushed to the home after getting the news of Romana's deed.
He didn't take time to rush towards her, he patted her face "Umeed! Are you okay?" His voice easily displayed his inner tension.
"Faraz.... Honey..."  She hardly stuttered two words which easily understood by Faraz but he didn't understand how to console her in this condition. In his whole life, he didn't console anyone. In his childhood, it was always Umeed who consoled her but now it was time to pay back and he thought that he didn't have anything to pay back to her wife whom he had been loving more than decade.
A cold sigh came out from his mouth and he grasped Umeed's shoulders tenderly. He dragged her to the bed then made her sit.
He offered her water but she pushed back his hand.
The unknown-fear was felt by Faraz while watching in her eyes.
He was dumbfounded to console his wife.
Few minutes passed heavily between them, then his cellphone rang.
He saw "Agha Jan Calling" on the screen but didn't receive.
"Umeed... I can understand what are you feeling now, but we've to go to your home, your family needs you this time" he said in very low voice but she could easily listen his every word because of their closeness.
Umeed turned her face towards her then simply nodded.
"get change.. I'm using guest room's bathroom"
She was wearing pink anarkali frock with little bit makeup and lots of bangles on the name of jewellery.
She was simple as compare to newlywed girl but that condition wasn't suitable to attend funeral.
She nodded to Faraz, who took his dress from cupboard then disappeared from the room.
When she changed her dress and washed her face, she watched her reflection in the mirror.
She surely was not seem like the girl who married last night.
She could clearly observe split kajal from her honey orbs, her face was completely pale, though her shoulder cut bangs simply scattered on her shoulders.
She wiped her face with towel then again saw her reflection in the mirror.
Her eyes was same as her daddy's while Romana had black orbs  like mummy. She often complained about that though she was real daughter of daddy but Umeed had sheer reflection of daddy specially her creamy complexion and eyes. Romana was carbon copy of mummy though Arman and Umeed were seemed like siblings more, due to  physical similarities of both as compared to Romana and Arman.
Her chagrin was not because of physical similarities among daddy, Arman and Umeed but their personality traits were almost same. She was calm and silent girl with hardworking trait same as both males of her family while Romana was loud and whining member of family who had sharp mind with smart working skill. In other words, Romana had beauty with brain but she was using or wasting her both qualities in wrong way.
Once again, she saw her grievous complexion in the mirror. The words of her mother-in-law was again echoed in her mind but again her mind was unable decipher it.
"honey..." She muttered while watching her sad complexion in the mirror. 
"why?... Why did you do that?"
She asked from the complexion of her own, her complexion simply smirked to reminded her that both she and herself knew the reason very well.
20 minutes' journey, from her in law's villa to her home was eloped heavily.
At the gate, they could see the crowd of people but ironically she didn't know many of them people who were relatives to her family.
Faraz grasped her with her shoulder supportively but she neither flinched nor supported his hands on her shoulder.
Both silently came inside the home, where firstly they saw Shayan who was talking with some guests whom she didn't know.
She didn't boggle to see him there but after what happened in past, one of the corner of her mind astound of his arrival on the funeral of his so called fiancée. 
After watching them, he slowly excused his guests and much to her surprise, he came to them.
Faraz and Shayan both greeted to each others, while Umeed remained silent with her stoic expression.
"Where is everyone?" She heard the voice of Faraz who was talking with Shayan with serious expression.
"Arman is watching the settlement, while aunty and uncle..." He paused and Umeed surmised that next sentence of him will not be a good one.
"Uncle is in the hospital, he got minor angina attack and aunty is with him"
As Shayan completed his sentence, Umeed's face expression changed abruptly.
Stoic to shock then shock to pain.
"da..dd..dadyy..." She stuttered and Faraz could swear that in the whole day, he first time heard her voice.
"I wanna sew them, mummy...? Is she ok?" This time her voice was repleted with moisture.
The hands tightened around her shoulder but she didn't care.
Shayan peered the honey colored eyes girl with the boy who was trying to support her whose expression showed that he was equally in pain to see his wife in this condition.
"It's minor one but I suggest you don't visit your parents now, first meet with Arman or maybe..." He paused, his expression grimace.
"What do you mean not now? They're her parents" this time Faraz asked him with serious tone.
" I think you don't have update of everything. Honey darling played  her card very well, but unfortunately, she isn't able to see her triumph... Well! I'm sorry Umeed for harsh words but I'm not so kind person to remember her with nice words after what she did, well! I've sympathy for you but I can't do anything for you" after completing his words 'Politely' he left their stance to leave the both persons with great confusion.
"What did your sister do this time?" She heard Faraz's words with harshness and his grasp tightened on her shoulder but she knew these harsh words were not for her but for her stupid late sister.
"I don't know..." Umeed found herself saying that and Faraz simply nodded before dragging her towards inside the home.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Silence Before The Brewing Storm) Episode 25 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 17, 2016 with 12 comments
Sorry Guys! For late update. Actually my exams are lined up and entrance exam coaching classes are started. So getting less time to write ff. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyways this is a long update. Please tell your views..
Sanskar's POV
With a bound, the molten, fiery & red sun came above the horizon & immediately thousands of little birds sang out for joy & a soft chorus of mysterious, glad murmurs came forth from the earth, the low whispering wind left its hiding place among the clefts & hollows of the hills & wandered among the rustling herbs & trees, waking the flower buds to the life of another day. Yes! It wasn't just an another day for me rather a precious day of my life.

Today, I would come to know the exact severity of her disease. The entire day was passed in enmeshed condition. Would she be all right? Could she lead a healthy & hefty life? These thoughts conflated my mind but I tried not to show my perplexity to her. During the approaching twilight, I received a confirmation message from Laksh about the arrival of the doctor.

I conveyed her about the arrival of the doctor & asked her to sort all the reports in a file for easy check up. Just then, the bell of the outer door rang & in a swift voice, she asked me to open the door as she was busy in arranging her reports. I opened the door & found out a fair skinned, grayish hair person was standing near the door like a gentleman.

In a confirmed tone, I asked him,"Are you Mr.Johnson?" And as per my expectation, he nodded positively & said,"Mr. Laksh Rathor has sent me here." Cutting his words, in a pardoned tone, I articulated,"Mr. Johnson, sorry to interrupt you! But please don't take Laksh's name in front of the patient."

To give me assurance, he placed his hand on my shoulder & said,"Don't worry! Laksh is a good friend of mine & he has told me about the medical history of Swara Suryavansi & asked me not to take his name in front of her due to some personal stuffs. You don't take any tension for that. I won't utter Laksh's name in front of her. By the way, you must be Sanskar.."

I nodded & thanked him for his understanding & welcomed him inside. I called out swara & she came running to the guest room with a bunch of reports. I introduced her with Mr. Johnson & she politely thanked him for his coming & handed over all the reports to him. Mr. Johnson carefully observed all the reports. In the mean while, swara served him snacks & coffee which he politely denied to take.

A few moments had already passed & she was sitting besides me. We both were eagerly waiting to hear from him. My heartbeats were undulating in a rapid pace. Might be she was able to sense my flustered state of mind; so, she squeezed my hands with her soft, milky palm to give me assurance.

Her touch created a wave of smile on my face though my anxiousness was still intact. Just then Mr.Johnson took off his spectacles & placed it on the table. While closing his both hands & putting them on the table, he asked,"So Swara! You must be aware about your disease. You are facing a rare syndrome of Alcoholic Neuropathy. The reports of diagnosis have reflected that you are still on your initial stage, which is definitely a good sign. Abundant alcohol drinking, malnutrition & stressful conditions have led to the occurrence of these rare symptoms of this disease. Weakness, numbness, cramps, swells, vision impairment are the normal symptoms of this stage. If proper care & nutrition won't be started at the right time, then it can cause severe disability & discomfort to certain body parts."

After hearing from Mr.Johnson, I became numb. Many mixed emotions were swelling inside my mind. Unknowingly, I stammered,"Can't she be cured fully, doctor? Can't you recommend any procedure to eradicate this disease fully from her body?" Swara was staring me lovingly with her bluish eyes.

Being a doctor, Mr.Johnson could easily detect my apprehensive state of mind & calmly said,"Proper nutrition, meditation & physical therapy can control this disease & also prevent it from spreading further. However, all these require a good deal of fighting spirit & patience but it will cost a lot...."

Cutting him, I uttered,"Money isn't a matter, doctor! I want her cure at any cost. Whatever procedure you will tell for her survival, she will follow all of them sincerely. She will fight to get her life & I will be always behind her to protect her. We both will fight against this disease but please save her, doctor..."

Mr. Johnson smiled briefly & said,"She will be alright, sanskar! We have to start the medication processes from tomorrow itself & swara! Don't touch a drop of intoxicant & you must not miss your regular medicines else it will deteriorate your health & make an adverse impact upon the safety procedures."

She was listening to him carefully & the flashbacks of dark cellular jail was coming to my mind. Due to the skip of doses, she had developed all these symptoms there. I felt sorry for my mistakes though more than 7 months had passed to that incident. Just then Mr.Johnson's words broke my thoughts. He was asking swara of being married or not.

I didn't let him finish & asked confusingly,"Why are you asking this, doctor?" Taking a brief pause, he started,"It is a private matter! I want to share it with her family members." Quickly swara responded,"Sanskar is my family, doctor. You can tell anything in front of him."

Genuinely! To be trusted was a greater compliment than being loved. Today, she proved that how much she was serious for me! I felt bliss to get a holy sole like her. Just then, Mr.Johnson said,"Oh! I am sorry. Sanskar must be your husband. His care and anxiety for you seem like that only. But this disease can create obstacles in your married life."

Before Mr.Johnson could say further, she stopped him & asked,"What do you mean, doctor?" In a patient tone, Mr.Johnson said,"Sexual dysfunctions are common to this disease. May be you can't conceive in your life if the medications won't give desired result. Sexual involvements are risky & because of that only many relationships are broken earlier. Sometimes the matter has also dragged to court proceedings."

Swara was looking stunned. In a pale face, probably she was expecting some answers from me. Earlier Laksh had already given me hints about these outcomes, I thought. I held her hands tightly & in a determined tone replied,"Thanks doctor for your concern! But she is my better half.. If there is 'better' then there is a 'best'. If there is 'half' then there is a 'complete'. Far more than being a 'better half', she can be 'best complete', like a phrase that beautifies & gives meaning to a sentence when it is added, likewise she completes the existence of my life. She isn't a pleasure or lustful object for me to be used. She deserves love & care & I will fight for her safety no matter what."

She was looking at me in puzzled eyes, like lots of queries were going on in her mind just like the webs of spider. I knew that she must be confused about my acceptance of her as my wife. But I wasn't at all shocked about my revelation as I truly endured her as my wife, my life & my everything. So, it didn't matter if I was married to her or not.

Mr.Johnson encouraged my sportive spirit & said,"Swara! I have listed all the medicines & your daily schedules in this piece of paper. Follow this routine for the next fifteen days & then let me know about it. So that, I can check up you & know about your progress." She nodded positively while carefully taking that paper from his hand.

Turning his gaze towards me, Mr.Johnson asked,"Sanskar! Can you join with me now to outside? Actually if you are free, then I want to show you the medication & rehabilitation centers today so that she can start the procedures from tomorrow." Quickly I agreed to go outside with him as nothing was more important to me than swara.

I told her to be careful before moving out with Mr.Johnson. He had brought his own conveyance. So, I didn't take the car & accompanied him in his car. Through out the entire journey, I asked him lots of questions about her health & like a senior and worthy doctor, he handled all my queries & answered them without any frustration.

He showed me the medication & rehabilitation centers & also helped me to enroll her name there. He offered me to drop near the home but I politely denied as I didn't want to give him unnecessary burden when I could ride to home by a hired cab. He dropped me on the side of main road, so that I could easily get a cab. I thanked him for his generosity & bid him goodbye.

Twilight had already fallen. The sky turned to a light, dusky, purple littered with tiny silver stars. The sun had already dropped beneath the horizon & then denoted, torching the racks of clouds stacked up above the downtown skyline. In this enchanted weather, I was roaming in the main street to get a cab.

Just then my eyes fell upon a banner. 'The City Lights Publishers' advertised recruitment opportunities to young creative writers with a lump sum salary package with certain remunerations. I used to write during my teenage but after that my life had changed upside down with my mom's death & I was engulfed in darkness.

However now as I had already abandoned darkness & got swara by my side, so, I wanted to give this job a try. Her medical procedures & medications needed a lot of money & I wanted a job of good salary for that. Though she was a billionaire girl & could afford her requirements, but she was my family now & I wanted to take this responsibility by my own.

After all family wasn't always blood. It was the people in your life who wanted you in theirs; the ones who accepted you for who you were. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who loved you no matter what. Right now! Only swara was apt to be called as my family & I wanted to lead a decent family life with her.

I searched my phone inside the rear pocket to note down the details of the publication house. But alas! I didn't find my phone as probably I had left it in home due to hurry. I checked the arrow headed directions which were shown in the banner & tried to remember it to reach to its office.

Thanks to my slayer nature & potential, I was too quick to memorize them. Quickly I hired a cab and reached to the publication house location. Luckily the office was opened and I collected all the information from the receptionist about the job profile. Basically I had to mail them some creative short stories to be selected in this job. I obtained the visiting card of that office & came out of it as I had to reach home early else swara would be worried for me & over the top, my phone wasn't with me as well.

I had to cross the mini lane to reach to the cab which I had hired earlier. While crossing the street, I felt like someone was following me. First, I ignored this feeling but after sometimes also I felt the same. My instincts couldn't be wrong always, I thought. I had a perfect ability to sense the presence of humans due to my assassin nature.

I stopped from further moving & rotated me eyes to check the surroundings. I couldn't doubt any person or couldn't identify any familiar face. The road was crowded and all were busy in their own stuffs. Still I couldn't feel safe and started running towards the cab. As soon as I reached to the cab, I asked the driver to hurry up & I changed my daily route multiple times before reaching home.

After travelling certain kilometers, I felt safe. Though I couldn't see any known face, still I sensed a strong ardent intuition of stalking. I was sure that one day my alive news would be unveiled & might be the past had arrived to haunt me again. I was sweating through out the entire journey.

Swara's POV
Today was a hectic day for me. After my check up, I came to know about a few new things regarding my disease. I was really scared when Mr.Johnson told me about my sexual dysfunctions & the inability to conceive in my life. I looked at sanskar with a tensed face. However the dignity he had given me today by calling me as his wife was truly a moment of felicity for me.

Genuinely! True love didn't need a contract or a certificate of marriage and loving someone & having them love you back was the most precious thing in the world which I felt today. Sanskar had gone with Mr.Johnson to check the medication center & hadn't returned yet. I thought to call him as already 2 hours had passed from his outgoing.

I dialed his number but he didn't pick up the call. Instantly, I again dialed & this time I could hear the ringtone of his mobile from the near by location. Had he arrived already?, I thought & again dialed his number. But this time I could detect that his phone was ringing from his room & he left the phone here without taking it with him.

How could he be so irresponsible? There was always threat to his life in every passing moment but seriously! This guy would never change.. By staying with me, he was behaving like a normal human being, not like a slayer; I thought. Mixture of emotions, bliss & fear were overpowering my mind & just then breaking my thoughts, his phone again rang.

Oh god! These bank guys were always irritating him, I thought. Earlier also they had called sanskar. So, I tried to ignore the call without even seeing the caller ID & after sometimes it stopped ringing. While I was coming out of his room, again his phone rang. This time I rushed to pick up the call to inform the caller about his absence else this phone would repeatedly ring. But after seeing the caller ID & number, I was stunned. How many shades did you possess, sanskar?; I thought while moving a few steps back from his phone.

Credit to:Kashis

Friday, 10 June 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (Taste Of Love) Episode 24 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 10, 2016 with 6 comments
Sanskar's POV:
I came out of my room after attending Laksh's call. 'I have remembered the time, I let you go from that dark cellular jail or the time I have dropped you here to go far away from me before I will change my mind & captivate you again or the time you have saved me from crossroads & caught me up in your lap. You may or mayn't remember any of those, but I do & this is what I have to say to you; today, no matter what it takes, we will grow together, will make our lives worthwhile & I promise to make you smile.', I thought & rushed towards swara.

She was looking at me ambiguously & asked questionably,"Sanskar! Who has called you now? Is there any problem? Has your identity revealed by chance?" A sense of phobia & anxiety were clearly reflected from her facial expression. I was confused as why was she asking me these types of awful questions?

In flustered tone, I asked her,"Why are you asking me these types of questions?" Without making any delay, she immediately replied,"This is your new number. Except me, none has any idea about this phone number. So, who has called you now?" By saying so, she hugged me tightly like she didn't want anybody to take away her love from her sight.

I was overwhelmed by looking her pious love for me. Many mixed emotions were surging in my heart. Honestly! There was never a time or a place for true love! It happened accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing & throbbing moment.

I parted her from me & gently rubbed my palms on her cheeks & said,"Swara! Don't be frightened. It's a call from the bank. You must have remembered that before some days I have gone to bank & for some information, their agent has called me as i have given this new number there." I lied to her again by hiding about the call from laksh. It wasn't that I didn't want to convey her about laksh but I was waiting for the proper time to unveil this truth to her.

She was relieved after hearing my words but with much anguish, she yelled,"How can I forget that day, Sanskar; when I have come to know about my real existence. I am born to bear the hatred."

I gave a peck on her forehead & said,"You are my angel. You remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest sane version of myself. Then how can you say that you are born to be loathed.. Look at my eyes swara! You can see the myriad of passion & endurance of love in my eyes only for you! And from now onwards, you won't live alone. We be life, we be fire, we be light, we sing electric flame, we rumble underground wind, we dance heaven! We be together & face the obstacles further."

In a state of shock, she fumbled,"Then won't you ever leave me sanskar?" I nodded,"Yes,I won't leave you." & after listeing this, like an innocent child, she jumped in extreme joy. I held her from her shoulder & said,"Now don't be sad ever! And swara! Talk to your mom once. My friend always says,'Truth has many sides...' So, talk to her & sort out this matter." Suddenly her facial expression changed to a serious one & she said,"No way sanskar! I can't talk to her now. I even don't know how to face her or what to ask her..."

She was right at her own place & this wasn't a mere issue to be settled immediately. Above all, today was the day when I officially accepted my feelings in front of her. So, I didn't want to spoil this exquisite moment by making her sad. Therefore, to divert her mind, I said,"No problem swara! Take your time. But don't be dishearten today. I am sorry for my behaviour of day before yesterday. You have fondly cooked for me but I haven't appreciated you. But today I want to make up for that mistake."

Cutting my words, in a chuckling voice, she asked,"So! Mr.Sanskar! Are you going to perform the activities of a chef today for your angel?" I giggled & said,"Anything for you, your highness!" She grasped me from my waist & put her head on my chest & said,"Sanskar! Life is beautiful because it is a controlled yet chaotic dance of ups & downs where we are blessed with the ability to sense those pains & pleasure equally. And I have already experienced the sufferings.. Now it is the turn to endeavor meadows of felicity."

I felt happy for her still I was unsure for my future. I didn't know about the Pandora's box that my future had stored for me. I gently parted her away from me & said,"Now let me go, else how can I make food? Then your Majesty will suspend me from chef's job."

In a sniggeringly voice, she said,"Sanskar! Now if you don't prepare delicious foods, then I will surely terminate your job." By saying so, she started beating me softly. I couldn't take off my gaze from her & entangled my hands inside her fluffy & lustrous hair & dragged her closure to me & planted a kiss on her temple & cheeks & then quickly rushed to the kitchen by leaving her there.

Swara's POV:
He wouldn't leave me now. He, himself had agreed to stay with me forever. I leaped in bliss & just then he kissed me on my cheeks which made me startled. His sudden reaction in form of a kiss turned my face to crimson red. Honestly! No one could know her own beauty or perceive a sense of her own worth until it has been reflected back to her in the mirror of another loving & caring human being. I realised my worth today because sanskar was a part of my life.. Oops! He was my life not a mere part only.

I went to kitchen to help him. But he clearly denied to take my help. Instead he grabbed me from my waist and lifted me to the elevated shelf of the kitchen & said,"Be seated here & enjoy my cooking." With much love, he was cooking for me. A few drop of tears came out of my eyes by making them moist as till now none could ever try to cook for me, not even my own mother.

Watching him cooking for me with so much love & concentration, I felt like hugging him tightly to show my gratification. Just then he looked at me & while covering the food stuffs with lids, he asked,"Why are you checking me out?" I came out of my thoughts & while tugging a hair strand behind my ear, I recited,"Check out!! Huh! Well! Mr. Chef I am checking you out to understand the methods of preparation of these delicious food stuffs & I don't know that you can also cook."

While sprinkling pinches of spices on the Chicken Marengo, he replied,"You have actually spoiled my attitudes. So, I sit idle here else in the dark world, I have used to do all my stuffs of my own." I looked at him contently & asked,"Will you teach me the procedures to make these recipes?"

He nodded smilingly & put me down from the elevated shelf & said,"Now go. Seat on the dining table. I will serve you in minutes." I hugged him tightly to let my emotions outrush & said,"Before meeting you, my life is a burden for me. Death is easier & painless to me than life itself. But not anymore sanskar! I want to live, to cherish every moment with you. Life is beautiful when you are with me."

He consoled me by hugging back tightly & uttered,"Nothing will happen to you. Till I am with you, even death has to defeat me to touch you. Now cheer up else my food stuffs will be salty due to your tears." I smiled feebly & beat him softly.

He grabbed my two hands & said,"Oh gosh! Earlier I have beaten many people but now I will be beaten everyday. Oh god! Save me." I laughed heartily due to his tantrums & he said,"Always be happy swara! Your beauty touches its excellence during happiness. Now go else I need to heat up the pan again." I nodded & left the kitchen.

Sanskar's POV
Today, I cooked only for her. Till today, after my mom's death, nobody cared for me in the way she had done in past couple of months. But suddenly she was so worried & scared for her death that those anxiousness, nervousness & uneasiness were quite fairly visible through her changing facial expressions. Though I was able to console her & to divert her mind by my silly jokes but from inside I was too scared for her health after remembering the words of laksh.

When she moved out of kitchen, I immediately messaged Laksh to arrange a doctor within 2 days. Within minutes, I got his reply that he had already arranged a reputed doctor of USA and by tomorrow evening, he would come here to check up swara. I thanked laksh through message & served all the foods on dining table.

Swara's POV
Different colourful varieties of food stuffs were adorned on the dinning table like charming petals were blossomed on the meadows of grassland vegetation. We ate together. I tasted all the recipes and honestly! I couldn't find a little bit of lacuna in the preparation. All dishes were up to mark & tasted delicious. Might be the love, he had poured in it during preparation, made the taste heavenly.

Breaking the silence, he asked hesitantly,"Swara! I want to tell something serious to you. Please agree with it. Don't deny." The half gulped chicken bite came out of my mouth after hearing his words. Did he want to leave me now? Had all these preparations made to cherish our last moments of togetherness?

I asked him restlessly,"Do you want to leave me?" He kept his left palm on my hand & squeezed it a bit to give me assurance that he wasn't leaving. Hurriedly I asked,"What is the matter, sanskar?" In a confused tone, he said,"swara! I want you to check up from a doctor for your disease. Please don't disagree..."

In a relaxed tone, I said,"Oh!! This is the matter.. OK sanskar! I will again go to the doctor for check up but I am continuing my medicine. So, there isn't any trouble." Cutting my words, he said,"No! No! I have arranged a doctor to check you up here only as I can't accompany with you if you will go to your regular doctor as you are a famous name in the society & this can also reveal my identity of being alive. So, specially I have arranged a doctor from abroad to treat you."

Without any hesitation, I accepted to him as love was made up of three unconditional properties in equal measures: acceptance, understanding & appreciation. Truly I understood his care for me & I felt happiness to get him in my life.

To cheer him up, I said,"So, Mr. Chef! Food is flavourful. I won't terminate you from job. What will you demand in salary?" He smiled & said,"I can make you smile by my little effort, that's all, I want. Well! About salary, let's see later. But now you go to sleep & be prepared for check up. Don't worry about these utensils. I will wash them before sleeping."

Through I asked to help him in washing but as if he would listen to me! He vividly protested and sent me to sleep. Might be life was all about twirling under one of those midnight skies, cutting a swathe through the breeze and gently closing your eyes, I thought and covered myself under the duvet to sleep peacefully before facing the unforeseen future tomorrow.

Credit to:Kashis

Monday, 6 June 2016

Swasan ff:An Incomplete Scrapbook (A Sense Of Togetherness) Episode 23 Season 2

Posted by Saba Shiekh on June 06, 2016 with 10 comments
Sanskar's POV
Her grips around my collarbone were tightened. She was an enchanting illumination & I was engulfed in obscurity. Like a butterfly was tempted towards fire, even after knowing that the fire could extinguish its existence; in the same way I was tugged towards her, even after knowing about my individuality.

Throughout my life, I was encircled around gloominess & was thirsted for light. Now she was showering her divine light on me & her light was forcing me to consume every bit of her. I was no longer in my own control. Her lips were tastier than marshmallow. Her feathery soft skin created undulating waves in my soul & connected all the broken strings of my heart.

Her closeness was making me desperate as I was living in solitude till now & her moaning of my name again & again was making an impact on my brain to consume her beauty more & more.

Swara's POV
I made him realise about love and his possessiveness for me. From eternity, I was deserted and now I didn't want to lose his intimacy. I clung my lips with his to make him mine forever. My brain was out of my control, so as his. He devoured his lips with mine in such a way that I moaned his name.

My moaning was setting fire in his dusky eyes & he crushed his lips more harshly with mine. This vigorous touch of his harsh lips was giving me forbidden pleasure. Genuinely! Today I felt that love was composed of a single soul, inhabiting in two bodies. 

I didn't know why it seemed to me that we were always in unison, he was the only one for me from eternity but circumstances divvied us into two & then both of us lived our lives in yearning & melancholy until we wished to be united with each other again..

Now we found our twin soul & our lives were complete. He gave a love bite on my lips & this time I bemoaned his name so loudly that he jerked from me. We both were panting heavily. He set himself free from my embrace & by lowering his gaze, in a painful tone said,"I... I amm.. sorrrryy.. I haven't done this purposefully. My mind is out of my control & I have crossed my limits.. Sorryyy..."

I didn't let him complete his statements by putting my finger on his lips & said,"I'm selfish, impatient & a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control & at times hard to handle. And you are the one, who has handled me at my worst. When everything in my life is a lie, then you are the only dazzling truth. I love you & I know about your feelings too. Please don't defame this sacred feelings by asking for apology."

I could sense the myriad of emotions going inside him & in a murmuring tone, he uttered,"Ask me why I keep on loving you when it's clear that we can't remain together!! The problem is that as much as I can't stop you to love me, the same way I can't force myself to stop loving you. You are the one who has ignited a sense of remorse in me. Your presence has resurrected me & has made a new person out of me, just like my mom's wish. If this is the feelings of love then yes! I do feel the same for you, swara!!"

I couldn't control my overflowing emotions & embraced him so tightly that I could hear his heartbeats. With a forbidden bliss & heavy heart, I said,"Don't hold back your love, sanskar! Express yourself! I want you. All of you. Your flaws.. Your mistakes.. Your imperfections.. I want you and only you. I know who you are & I don't care about your past. After my mom's betrayal you are the only one I have left. This is my life, my story... my book... I will no longer let anyone else to write it & be a cause of my sorrow nor will I regret for the edits I have made to insert you in my life.."

Sanskar's POV:
I embraced her back tightly to console her & said,"Don't feel bad for your identity. Where have you born isn't supposed to be in your hands. Don't make the situation worse by attending parties & consuming alcohols. It won't bring any benefit. And swara! I am like a poisoned bread. I may eradicate your appetite of loneliness for the moment, but there is death in it at the end. Forget me swara & let me go because I am also a nightmare for you which can ruin your life."

Before I could say much, she came very close to me & said,"Sanskar! Can you feel my heartbeats? The pulsating rhythm of my heartbeat is thrilling because of your closeness to me. How can you even think of leaving me, sanskar? You are the first & last thing in my life which only belongs me. If you are thinking that the darkness will engulf me if I will remain close to you, then let the darkness may engulf both of us as staying without you is a much more curse than assimilating in darkness."

Girls!! The most unpredictable creation! She accepted a slayer so easily. She was even ready to devoid of her life but didn't want to leave me. Honestly the purest kind of love, which was one of a kind could decontaminate even the darkest heart.

Breaking my thoughts, she said,"We are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open & think we are dying, we're actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we're suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before!! Let's accept our fate & fight this darkness together sanskar! May be a beautiful life will be waiting for us after breaking this barrier of duskiness."

When I was listening to her, my phone buzzed & suddenly I departed from her to pick up the call. It was the call from laksh. I picked up & in a lower voice asked,"What is the matter laksh? Why do you call me now? Is there something related to shomi?" From the other side, in a worried tone, laksh replied,"I am actually apprehensive about swara's health. Is she fine now?"

Quickly I replied,"Ya! She is fine, buddy! You have always saved my life from upcoming dangers & that day, you have even rescued her & dropped her safely at home." Cutting my words, he asked,"Has she doubted about our connection, sanskar?" I replied negatively & in an anxious tone, he said,"Now listen to me carefully, sanskar! Swara needs immediate medical attention. These stressful situations are hampering her condition even badly."

In an awful voice, I asked,"Are these outcomes related to her disease? Recently she has again consumed alcohol. Will it affect her health?" This time, in a shouting tone, laksh yelled,"Alcohol... Again... It will definitely worsen her health. She is already facing sexual dysfunctions & many complications due to alcoholic neuropathy. Sanskar! Do take care of her & consult the doctor immediately as I am not an expert in that field."

I felt sorry for her condition. Somewhere due to my mistake, she was suffering, I thought & asked him to arrange a refined & reputed doctor for her cure & disconnected the call.

Now I was determined. I promised myself to take care of her & not to hurt her again by my stupid saying to leave her. After facing the vicissitudes of life, if there was one thing I learned, it was that nobody was here forever. I had to live for the moment, each & everyday.. So, until that darkness came when I would vanish like fireworks, let me take care of her & cherish our beautiful togetherness the way she wanted.

Credit to:Kashis