Sunday, 31 January 2016

Swasan a path hate to love Ep35

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 31, 2016 with 11 comments

Present time In school
Shanaya:" Before going his hotel, I heard that new owner of Malaikas was the toy boy of its old lady owner, but I didn't know that it was Sanskar! I was fully shocked but didn't want to show my identity to him, so I didn't ask any question about it"
Swara:" Who was sanskar?"
Shanaya carelessly tucks her lock behind her ear and says:" He was owner of Malaika... Actually Malaikas was the old name of..."
Swara cuts her words:" No! What's toy boy?"
Shanaya numbs to listen her question, she doesn't understand that how she explains the term "toy boy" to her.
She gasps and says:" Actually there is many rich women in elite society, who fed up from theirs husband and want some entertainment in their life, so they kept the young boys as toy boy... Now do you get it"
Swara nods in no:" Actually I'm still confuse... Sanskar isn't material of entertainment type... So how could he do this?"
Shanaya sighs, she doesn't understand, how to tell the girl that her husband was toy boy, even who doesn't know that what's toy boy.
Shanaya looked into her eyes and says in bold voice:" You used one term personal prostitute for me, right?"
Swara" I m so..sorry for.."
Shanaya raises her hands:" Let me complete first... You used this term for me, I'm not angry with you for it because you were right, well! Used this same term for Sanskar also... Toy boy also has the same meaning of personal prostitution"
Swara opened her mouth, she doesn't understand what should she say after it.
Shanaya leans on her chair:" Now you got it... Right?"
Swara numbs to listen it and ups her eyes towards the beautiful face of her rival.
Although Shanaya is normal to talk about it, yeah! It's normal for her, but not for our heroine.
Shanaya:" Are you shocked?"
Swara:" No... Yes... Actually I don't know, how to react on it... My husband was that thing... You said toy boy... It was his past, I don't know it'll effect it or not... But I'm totally feel myself senseless about to thinking on it"
Shanaya:" Forget about it... It was his past, important it that he's nothing like that now... Now there's one woman in her relationship, actually legal relationship... And that is you..."
Swara feels exhausted:" Shanaya! Will you please leave me alone for sometime? And please give me one paper and pen also"
Shanaya nods and gives her, her demanded things..she leaves the room and closes the door slowly.
Swara downs her face in the cup of her palms. She really doesn't understand how should she react after knowing all this? And still there's many things remaining there in his past.
She takes the pen and starts writing:" I don't know..why destiny is testing me at every step of my life... My husband has dark past, I guessed this thing but it was darkest, I didn't know this... Now I don't understand how to react on this? Actually... My mind isn't accepting this thing properly... But at the end, I don't feel like hatred for him after knowing this... It couldn't increase my feelings towards Sanskar... I feel like it was story of someone else... But I wonder.. I still has the feeling about Sanskar... I don't know, why? But I'm still want him near to me... After knowing this, I want to see him that this person really was a toy boy... Actually I want to test myself that after knowing this... I still feel love for him.. My heart is still taking his name, my eyes are still wanted to look him... My ears are still wanting his voice into them... My fingers want his touch... My touch wants..." She stops and looks the words which she wrote.
"I want his touch...." She murmurs, "I still want him... Shouldn't I start hating to him?"
"love doesn't mean, a person who has only goodness... You loved him when you knew that he is harsh, sometimes, cruel, rude and many time caring also but how can you stop loving him after knowing that there's reason behind his every attitude" someone says inside her.
She sighs and starts writing again:" Yeah! I concluded that I've no concern that what was his past... Reality is that I love him... And I'm his present... Maybe I should cry after knowing this but this is reality that I don't feel like that... I'm his present and that's conclusion... I don't care about anything but him.." She completes her writing and smiles.
She goes outside seeks Shanaya:" I want to go now... Either I'll call Sanskar or would you drop me? Actually... We should go there"
Shanaya feels amazed to see her reaction but after a while, she smiles:" Ok! We'll go together, wait a minute.. I'll change my dress"
Swara:" Shanaya.."
Shanaya turns to her:" Hmm.."
Swara sits on a chair and looks her who is taking out her sarees..
Swara:" Don't change, you look good in this attire"
Shanaya turns in bit shock with mixture of happiness.
Shanaya:" Ok! I'll not change... Now stand up... Your husband is waiting for you"
Swara gets up from her seat and both go towards Shanaya's car.
Swara:" Why do you wear saree every time? Do you like it? As I know Sanskar doesn't like it, but you always wear"
Shanaya looked her and opened the door of her car:" Yeah I like it, because in my point of view, woman looks complete in this outfit but Sanskar's point of view is different... He thought that this outfit prominent lady's figure... That's why he won't allow you to wear it... Actually he personally dislike most of heavy traditional outfits... So he made excuse.. Don't mind it"
Swara nods and says:"  Doesn't he stop you to wear it?"
Shanaya:" Never... Because I'm not his wife" her small sentence clears everything to Swara.
 Swara looks her face. Her face was innocent... Yeah innocent.. Although she did many wrong things in her life... But she's still innocent.. Why? Because there's only softness of love encircled around her face. Swara feels shame to hate the girl lie her.
Shanaya notices her gaze on her face and turns face towards her while driving. She asks through her eyes that what happened? Swara slowly nods her head in no and starts looking outside.
Few minutes of silent are passed between them. Swara turns to her and says:" Shanaya!"
Shanaya:" Hmm.."
Swara:" I'm sorry... For my misbehaving..."
Shanaya:" You don't need to say sorry, you were right and I'm not angry with you"
Swara smiles:" You're such a nice girl"
Shanaya turns to her and smiles:" I'm not dear...! Actually I understand the situation of next person and concluded that no one is bad, just their situation make them like that... That's why I love sans..." She's about to say something but stops to see her face.
Swara smiles sadly:" It's ok! You can say that you love him"
Shanaya:" Are you not shocked?"
Swara:" Speak honestly! Actually... Not... I knew this thing"
Shanaya is shocked to listen it:" How? I mean when?"
Swara smiles lovingly and says:" Once my mom said to me that every girl has instinct to recognize every gaze of man on herself and every gaze of woman on her husband... That time, I couldn't understand this things, but as I observed your gaze on Sanskar! I got it, and this is a reason, I misbehaved with you"
Shanaya smiles to listen it and starts looking on her path while saying nothing.
They reach their destination, she steps out from car before Shanaya and goes  towards inside.
She firstly, goes to Laksh's room but no one is there,  its little bit hard task to search him in a huge palace because there room isn't in good condition to stay.
She asks from servant about Sanskar, she gets know that they all are on dining table from him. She goes towards dining table where she feels seriousness. Ragini sees her and runs towards her.
Ragini:" Thank god! You came here, actually, I was arguing with lucky and jiju... They made promise that we'll go for bonfire tonight... And he was saying that your mood isn't well, so we're not going... But I'm saying that you've to come and I'm listening anything... You all are so boring"
" I'm not..." Laksh screamed while eating.
Swara raises her hands:" Just a minute... Let me sit first"
She goes towards the dining table, Sanskar looks her and weighs her mood through his eyes.
She feels butterflies in her stomach through his gaze and wonders that it was never happened before it. She doesn't understand that why is she reacting like that.
She sits on a seat beside Sanskar, while Laksh and Ragini are sitting opposite to her, Shanaya also comes inside:" Where were you Swara?"
Swara:" Shanaya! Come and join us for lunch"
Laksh and Sanskar look each others and a small smile comes on Sanskar's face while laksh grins to see it.
Ragini:" Yeah Shanaya! I made food today"
Laksh:" It's do delicious... But not more than you sweetheart!!"
Shanaya giggles slowly to listen him and takes a seat beside Ragini.
Swara looks her love and downs her head slowly on the plate and thinks:" I know your past Sanskar! But I promise that I'll never think about it again, because I love you... And I can't imagine you in that face, I know I'm escaping from reality but it's also true that I accepted you the way you're and the past you've, so this chapter is close today and I'll not realize you anything... I'll win yourself with my love only"
Laksh,Ragini and Shanaya are planning to go for bonfire tonight, Sanskar gives his idea in between, while she is taking her lunch silently and listening them.
Laksh raises his hands:" Now, this is final... We're going to bonfire tonight and Bhai, Bhabhi... You've to join us... So be ready, (he turns to Ragini) until  I can watch movie, will you join Ragini?"
Ragini nods while Sanskar says:" Shanaya also join you"
Laksh takes a look of him and irritated by his sentence:" Bhai...!"
Sanskar signs something from his eyes to him and says:" If Shanaya will not join, then I'll"
Laksh:" No way! Shanaya's company is much better than yours"
Sanskar smiles softly and she notices that whenever he talks to Laksh, his eyes expression become soft and expressing kindness and love for him. This is specially for Laksh, he never saw this expression in his eyes except he talks to Laksh, nowadays, he has same expression whenever he talks to Ragini.
She looks Ragini, who is exciting for tonight and talking to Laksh about it.
She can clearly feel Laksh's affection towards her. She sighs and smiles because she satisfies from the side of her sister.
Shanaya, Laksh and Ragini are in the lounge for watching movie. While Sanskar and Swara are in their room. Laksh arranged their room when she was with Shanaya and he was in bar.
She is reading book on bed while he is working on his  laptop by sitting on couch. She looks him with affection and sighs that there's nothing between them to utter.  She keeps the book on side table and looks him.
He observes her gaze on him and says without taking his eyes from screen:" Is there anything Swara, you wanna say?"
Swara boggles with his voice because she is continuously starring him without any purpose.
Swara:" No... Actually yes..." She thinks to make excuse but she sighs and decides to be fair with him which means to him.
Swara composed herself and says:" Actually! I was thinking that, we're strange husband wife, who has no any topic to talk"
Sanskar offs his eyes from screen and looks her with suspicious:" How do you get this thought after a month of our marriage? From first day to today, we're living with each others in a same way"
Swara:" I'm human Sanskar... Sometime, I also fed up with same routine..."
Sanskar starts his work again:" So make a different routine"
Swara screams:" I want to talk to you... Please stop working for some time"
A layer of surprise come on his face for a second, but he immediately controls his emotions and keeps his laptop on a table and comes to her on bed:" Talk..."
Swara gets confuse because she did this thing only for gaining his attention, now she doesn't understand what to say.
Sanskar looks into her eyes, slowly comes to her and puts his hand around her waist and says:" Now talk.. I'm completely concentrating to you"
Swara's heartbeat raises slowly because of his closeness, now it's much harder to talk with him. She curses her heartbeat which is making her confuse.
Swara to herself:" Swara! He's only your husband... This isn't first time, he holds you.. Why are you reacting like that? Just calm down.."
Swara looks into his eyes, she always find heat unto his eyes whenever he looks her. But today, she's confirm that it's not heat of hatred.
Sanskar:" Have you done?"
Swara:" Huh?"
Sanskar:" Have you done your talking?"
Swara:" I didn't utter any word yet" she makes angry face.
Sanskar:" You know what is your problem? You actually don't want to talk me or anything're just like that kid whose parents gifted him a toy which he doesn't like but whenever anyone want to play with it, he became angry and start showing his rights on it... You're same like that boy sweetheart and I'm your that toy... You don't like me but you can't tolerate me with someone else... Even you're so much possessive that you can't tolerate that my attention divert to anything else except you"
Swara gets shock to listen it, she looks down and feels embarrassing because he was saying truth.
Sanskar holds her chin slowly and looks into her eyes:" Listen Swara! Don't feel shame on it, you're like that... So admit it.. Possessiveness is not a bad thing, I'm also possessive about you, but don't abuse to anyone just like you did with Shanaya.. She's my benefactor and I can't tolerate any words against her"
Swara says in weak voice:" I'm sorry for it.."
Sanskar:" This thing you should say to her and as I've seen, she already forgave you.. Right?"
Swara nods slowly, she's still leaning on his chest and she can hear his slow heartbeat.
Swara:" Shanaya told me that you never spare anyone..but you don't say anything to me"
Sanskar smiles sadly:" Yeah she's right... But my family isn't included in anyone's category... And you're my family Swara"
Swara looks into his eyes and slowly puts her head on his chest.
Sanskar:" One more thing..."
Swara ups her eyes.
Sanskar:" Don't expect softness and love type things from me, I can't do that and I won't be like that... But except of it, make sure about one thing..." He pauses, swara is still looking his face, he completes his words by saying that:" I'm only yours now"

Thursday, 28 January 2016

I'm hope ep5

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 28, 2016 with 8 comments

She again opened the door of her wonderland, as the passage of time Shayan became her good friend in those days. But don't know why whenever she saw his photo, he thought that she saw him before. His friend list was locked, so she couldn't clear her confusion because she didn't want to open her identity to him.
She wrote message to him:" Hey! How are you?"
"prayers of yours" she got answer immediately and smiled to read it.
She smiled, he was the master words and used it in a good style which made him different. He became good friend of Umeed... But just a minute, she was Mahar Mah at that time and he was friend of Mahar Mah, not Umeed.
"sometimes, you're treating me just like a princess" she wrote by thinking something.
She got the answer:" Because you're a princess Mahar Mah! He prominence the word "Mahar Mah".
She got confuse what the connection between her name and princess. And she asked this thing from him too.
Shayan:" Don't you watch 'Mera Sultan'?"
She asked:" What's that?"
She got his "lol" in answer. She fumed to saw it.
Shayan:" Aray! This is Urdu dubbed Turkish drama! I'm amazed that you're not watching Turkish dramas by living in Pakistan"
She irritated and wrote:" I'm living in Pakistan, not in Turkey.." Uff! Was this really a question? Was she really have time to watch dramas?
She passed her half day in university, she was web developer, so she did this work as part Time job. Except of it, she took many responsibilities of home as well as she was editor of university magazine. Is she really have time to watch drama? She thought tat he degraded her by saying this.
Shayan:" Well! Don't you read history?"
She didn't have any interest in historical or literature books. She only read business magazines, course books and online courses about web developing and research about new tech.
She wrote:" I don't have interest in history... I believe on today instead of looking back"
Shayan:" I'm not agree with you.. But it was said by a philosopher that you can't win by arguing.. So you just know this thing that Mahar Mah was the princess of turkey... Actually almost last princess of turkey" she read the message and smiled.. She was about to write next message but she boggled and stopped.
She again read his message and old messages again and again. She opened his ID and got her answer.
"uff Umeed! How could you do this?" She hit her wit for doing this mistake. Yeah! This was him.. Who came there house once and fond of Turkish dramas and sang always the tone of "Ishq-e-mamnu",
He was cousin of Romana and Arman who went abroad for study. She relented to accept his friend request. She didn't write reply of his message and logged out silently.
Her exams of first semester was going on and study was dizzied on her head. She was virus of computer, so she took out many ways of earning and because of it she didn't need to do work. She did every work with the permission of daddy and she was happy that his behavior was changing day by day.
She was repented for her deed but as the passage of time, she recovered her and accepted Shayan as his friend because she thought that he was a nice guy and didn't know anything about it. So it didn't make any difference to keep friendship with him.
So she stayed normal with him. But one day, something strange happened in her life, which changed her from inner side and which would be help destiny to change her nature.
She came her wonderland after completion of first semester
Then Shayan asked her one thing:" Listen! Do you love someone?"
She smiled like a princess after reading his question. Look! Love isn't a thing of lever of princess!!
She wrote:" Yes! I do.."
Shayan:" Whom?"
Umeed:" With my parents, family, siblings, friends, with my dadi, my country, my work, my career, I love flowers, butterflies which suck flowers, their colors, I love light of fireflies, I love my room and the window from where I can see the moon and I love the moon" she wrote the most beautiful answer of this world.
Shayan:" Not with any particular person..?"
She laughed like waterfall was falling in the lake... Was anyone make him understand that? Love is love, not a query of accounting that we've to do love with particular person..
She wrote:" Not with any particular person"
Shayan:" Well! Do you like poetry?"
Umeed:" Poetry...hmm. Yeah! I read poem of Wordsworth in 12th standard.. I liked it" she wrote like that William Wordsworth was the employee of her courtiers.
He irritated by her answer and sent icon of it.
He again asked:" Do you like stories?"
She:" I read only in my course books, except it I only read my course books and research papers" she wrote like that stories...? How stories work for this princess?
"well! Do you love someone?" She saw the moon from her window and said.
Subject smiled to her generosity:" Yes I do"
She asked with indifference:" With whom?"
"with Umeed" she read and numbed to read it. She read it again because she thought that she read it mistakenly. She felt dizzy to read it..."with Umeed"
She starred screen with fear that whether he knew that she was Umeed, not Mahar Mah.
The witches of fears were surrounding in her mind. The witch who came to destroy her monarchy. The princess was unaware of that witch and there's no wizard OZ who came here to rescue her kingdom.
"Umeed?" She hardly wrote this word.
Shayan:" Yes! She's my uncle's daughter... I saw her before three years later..  I don't know which thing attracted me towards her but I fell in love with her..." There was long message about his love but she forgot to read it.
She thought "OZ.."
Yes! He was wizard.. His OZ who wil rescue her from the witch.
Mahar Mah wasn't a princess but she became Umeed.
A strange man came into her life...
A person who watched Turkish serials, studied in oxford, read "pyar ka pahla shahar" and still watching cartoons of tom and jerry.
He was unique and different from others.  And how could it possible that no one will love this unique prince. .
But she was Mahar Mah and he loved with Umeed.
She became normal slowly and looked her best friend moon and smiled lovingly.
Moon smiled to see her and whispered in her ear:" Listen! I know the deep secret of your heart.. You never told me but I know and don't worry about it, I hide this into the depth of my heart that in this world someone loves you"
After hearing the answer of moon, her smile widened.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Yaaram Ep9

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 4 comments

Recap:" Amraha got the job through her witty tricks"
She got the job and her classes were also started. With this, she also started to eating noodles. She bought a big packet of Hana's favourite noodles from her first salary which she could eat for a week. She also filled fridge with eggs, milk and bread etc that they would also use that. But now she had a problem of her residence.
However, Shirley told her that she shouldn't worry about it. She was worried because if they allowed her to stay with them, that doesn't mean she started to stay there for annoying them and made excuses that she couldn't find any place to stay.
At lunch time, she got tweet from anywhere.  Tweet...?
So tweet incident was just like that you could go to any friend or hello hi friend or class fellows and said them:" Tweet me please"
If he wanted or could afford, he'll give you one tweet which based on one cup coffee, tea or cold drink. Dayem's group gave her all of their tweets. But tweet taker should have to return that tweet back to the giver.
Now scene was like that Dayem or Nawal told her that Hamad who was sitting in front of them, he had his six tweets, go and say this :"tweet me back please"
She went and said the same. In the same way, Shirley, Azra and other hello hi friends gave her to their tweets. Often, when she got three to four tweets, she could eat burger in it. By eating burger, pizza or sandwich, tweet will be negative . For example if there was four tweets, then after eating burger, then there tweets minus from it and one remained there. If there three tweets then one will have extra tweet who ate burger.
Initially, she felt shyness to took this tradition but after sometime, she observed that even rich students are also did the same, so she also started the same. She went to Dayem, Nawal and Shirley and said:" Refer me a tweet please" they thought and watched their surrounding.:" Look! That person... Yeah on ground... Who wore the white shirt.. Yes! Go to that person"
They wrote on paper:" Tweet her back" on that paper, tweet giver wrote "two remained" and she ate that two also. She enjoyed this tradition and also told to dada about it.
"new style of begging" he laughed.
Amraha:" New styles of giving dada!"
He became happy to listen her answer:" What an amazing answer you gave Amraha!"
She went to one of the group member of Dayem, named as Aqsa. She said her to refer her a tweet. Aqsa said to her:" Go to that boy, you'll find him in library, else no where... He has long ears, you can ask anyone in library for him, they can tell you about him, he has my twenty tweets"
"twenty" Amraha's mouth filled with water. She could eat four to five burgers easily and coffee too. Her two weeks will passed easily.
It means, she didn't have to seek food for next two weeks. She went to library and whispered to librarian. Librarian didn't get her and asked:" I don't get you, which book do you need"
Amraha jerked:" Uff! I don't need any book, I'm asking about Aliyan, Who has long ears"
Librarian smiled softly and pointed out to place where she could find her. She went to him and extends the paper in which Aqsa write a "tweet"
He lifted his head from his thick book, read the chit and starred her with anger. Anger came on his  forehead and leaved a line on it.
"sorry... Not this time" he said slowly.
She:" Then which time?"
He:" Bot today.. In fact! Not before next week... Kindly don't annoy me"
"but I'm feeling hungry now" her high voice tensed the brown eyes. This time anger gave his forehead to two lines..
She:" Tweet me back" Amraha said in high voice by folding her arms near her chest. This the person, who shouted on her on welcome week. Now she could also shout on him..
"I'm not giving" he said in strict voice.
"so what should I do? I feel hungry" she also did one thing, she wrote "sandwich" on a paper from herself.
His dark brown eyes darkened for a moment. Lines were made place on his forehead. He starred her by jerking his neck softly like heroes of 90 and then he stood up by ignoring her complete like 20's heroes.
"I told you that don't come to me before next week" he went out from library.
"I don't know anything" she also followed him. He snatched the paper from her hand and walking ahead of her. She also followed him that might be he'll go canteen. But...he.. He was...
"what's this Aqsa?" He extended this paper towards Aqsa. "which voracious, you importuned towards me?"
" what's that?" Amraha looked that person who looked like English ... Who angered like French. She afraid that what he said at once! Amraha looked her surrounding, she thought that everyone were showing their thumb to her and said "shame shame Amraha" firstly, she closed her eyes tightly then she looked him with anger.
Aqsa read a paper and said:" Tweet me back please" she kept her respect.
"next week" he shook his shoulders with splendour manner like Italian did after doing great lose. With indifference as well as with ferocity.
"you both handle it please" Aqsa couldn't understand that how did she deal with one hungry and other pauper. She said and leaved the ground.
"don't come to me before next week" Lon eared said while fuming and stepped towards library.
"I'll die before next week" she also matched his steps.
"are you alive on my only treat?" He again became French who chew words while surpasses rage and looked from cold eyes. Despite of her quarrel, she starred him when he twisted his head. He was angering as well as not doing so. .. What the man he was!
"I've to live on this tweet today, I've no money and noodles too... Because of hurry, I didn't take a cup of tea" he stopped to listen her. He opened his cross beg and sought out something from his beg. It took time but he finally got his things.
Uff.. It was a chocolate which already half eaten.
"take this" he extended that half-eaten chocolate to her.
"what will happen to it?" She felt happy to see chocolate but she wanted to eat sandwich this time.
"it has so much calories" he put his bag on his shoulder and starred her from his brown eyes. He put his hand into the pockets of jeans and stood like that there would be photo session was going to start of him.
"Lord Mayor is in his days of youth during charity in university" this photo had the caption like it.
Amraha:" I don't need calories... I need food"
" so what's this? Chaff?" Lord Mayer scowled and lifted his eyebrow like that it jointed with his hairs which scattered on his forehead.
Amraha:" And this is also small... Small and half-eaten.. Why am I eat others eaten things?"
Lifted his brows in a questionable style:" Oh!! You've ego also... Oh really?
Well! You can eat from other side and throw the last edge"
She stood there with anger face. He again checked his bag and took out one packet which edge closed by common pin. So that the inside material would not spread in the bag. It was seem like packet of biscuit.
"take this and this is also" he extended biscuit and chocolate towards her. She saw chocolate already and opened the packet biscuit in which she found small broken pieces of biscuits.
"what do you consider me? Are you doing charity?" She offence very much. But he acted like that he didn't hear anything and went towards library in a fast way.
A one who was standing by holding both packets... You know her very well. But a one left the place.. Do you know him?
Aliyan Margret... He was known from his mother's name.

Swasan A path hate to love ep34

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 35 comments

Recap:" Sanskar accepted the offer of becoming toy boy, he got the 20% shares of Desuza's and co. To forward his life"
As the passage of time, he became sadist and heartless day by day and it was also because he saw the ugliest face of society. How man and woman betray their partners, teenage children are going on wrong way, women used their body for getting success. These all things were becoming him heartless day by day and he concluded that there's one person in the world whom we should believe and that is ourselves. So he started only believe on himself and planned about his own future. Now he didn't care that either people are going to hell aur heaven. He only thought about himself.
He learned many things from Mrs Desuza in the two years and he was became cunning and emotionless in the company of that wily woman.
He had done his graduation and took the diploma in hotel management from a reputable institution.
Now he took a new step, in that two years, he did many types of research on hotels and finally got his target.
After his study of hotel management, he spared himself from that woman and took many advantages from her with the extension of shares.
He went to a hotel in his bike and read a board "Malaikas". He smiled victoriously and went inside the hotel and ordered the meal.
It was hotel of madam Sunita... She didn't used her surname, this hotel was based on her daughter's name, she lived her life in abroad and before ten years, she came here. And it was almost five years old hotel but it gave only loss to that woman from the first day. And most interesting thing about that woman was that there's no any evident of her marriage, divorce or her husband. And second, she was about of the age of 42 and her daughter was only eight years old.
But it wasn't concern to Sanskar, either malaika was legal child of her or not. He only concerned with his purpose. This woman was about to leave India for settling abroad. It was only rumour or truth, he didn't know but he had to know.
He went to the counter and asked about madam Sunita.
He applied for internship and submitted his documents.
Sunita looked his documents and her face expression showed that she inspired by his splendid academic result.
She kept the file on table and looked him. He was in casual look and folded his sleeves. He enhanced his personality in those two years.
She:" So! You're here for internship... You have good academic result... So why are you applying here? Every good and reputable hotel can offer you internship, then why us?"
He looked into her eyes and said in deep voice:" So... Aren't your hotel good and reputable"
She became speechless on his question because she didn't expect that question from him as well as no one mentioned demerits of their products. Same as like, she didn't want to answer his question.
She said again:" There's no use of your internship, Mr Maheshwari! Because maybe in few months, I'll sale this hotel"
He smiled his signature smile. A smile which contain of victory , cunningness, cruelty as well as lovingly product of intellectual. There's so many shades in his one smile and only some people get the meaning of this smile.
He folded his arms and said in a calm voice:" I knew this news, but just tell me don't you want some good work of your employee, which can raise the value of Malaikas... Off course, if value will raise, then you'll get good amount of money during dealings and this is just an internship"
She starred him with interest and said:" What's the guarantee of it that value will  increase?"
Sanskar:" You can observe this from my academic achievements"
She looked him from head to toe and said:" This is nothing if I'll not get practical work, so I can keep you but I'll not give you salary, yet I get some success"
He accepted because he didn't come here for salary. He started his work, he had really amazing skills but he didn't come there for showing his skill. After a month, he left impact in the mind of Sunita and   he was successful in it.
Then he gave her, his deal..
She shocked to listen it:" What? Do you want to buy this hotel? I don't think so, you've some money in your pocket"
Sanskar smirked:" Maybe you're right or maybe you're wrong... First tell me your deal"
Sunita:" 10 million"
Sanskar clapped:" Oh! You're going to sale this hotel which was going in loss from three years and you're valuing it 10 millions... That's a big deal Madame! No one will give you this amount of money for this hotel"
She:" You forgot Sanskar! This is only value of this building and other assets of this hotel.."
Sanskar:" You've only assets and liabilities on the name of capital, there's no goodwill of it... You know very well! And why are you reacting like that, as I know you're going abroad just for the sake of good future of your daughter and if everybody will know about the father name of her... I think, no one will buy this hotel after it... If someone reveal the news on internet or might be, your new would be husband will watch it... Then?"
Sunita 's face color changed at once and she looked him:" What do you mean? Which news?" She tried to pretend, but her sweating showed the disturbance of her heart.
Sanskar:" Ok! Come to the point, I've a video of your black deeds sweetheart! Which resulted your eight years old daughter.... I don't wanna spoil the mind of your daughter..  So I can give you a good deal for it, accept it or otherwise I'll not think about your illegitimate daughter"
Sunita:" Ok! What's the deal?"
Sanskar:" I've shares of Desuzas.... 35% shares... 35% profitable shares for the sake of your loser hotel..."
Sunita smirked:" Ok! Come on the point too sweetheart! I knew you were the toy boy of Mrs desuza and now I'm confirmed that because you've shares of that company and nowadays its hardly available on market... So that's mean I was right... So..."
Sanskar cut her words:" So you also want this? Because this 35% of shares are not the complete price of your hotel... Right?"
Sunita smirked:" You're smart boy... So come from tonight, after six months this hotel will be yours" she extended her hand towards him..
He held her hand:" Done! And don't think about to turning to your words because I've that cd"
Sunita:" ****** of that video... Only six months contract is there, after it, we will be free from each others"
Sanskar twisted his head:" You should be"
The new entry of that woman changed him too, made him harder from mind and heart.
Sunita wasn't like Mrs Desuza, she wanted more and more, sometimes, sometimes, he fed up from that woman but he became used to it slowly slowly. She was cunning woman and taught him many new tricks of lusted life.
But most interesting thing was that in that time, he got the hope of living again. He had six months contract with Sunita, that time he was also involved in the young girl Puja. She was personal assistant of sunita and was a hardworking girl. Not because of her beauty, he liked her because of her thoughts and talking. She was mistress of words and used it in appropriate way to entice anyone . They were both closing to each others but main thing was that he planned to marry with her. Because he could clearly feel restlessness in him whenever Sunita didn't call him. So he could understand that he'll face problem after when contract ends.
But this girl was also taught him a lesson and broke last hope in his heart to live a normal life.
He was thinking to propose her and about to went in her cabin when he heard his name. He stopped and sat on the chair outside her cabin.
Puja:" Oh Sanskar.... He is just disgusting man, I'm just tolerating him because of madam... You know very well my sweetheart, I need money to submit my institute fees, so he is ****** of madam, so he can make her agree to give me that money...yeah! That jackass is thinking to come close to me.... Yeah he's cute but I won't think about that lower-middle class people... ******"
So this was her real face, he didn't do anything special. He just recorded her words when she was abusing to Sunita because of her rude and stupid nature(in her thought). And arranged to hack her email address (I told you that he became blackmailer, so he knew every tool of it). Take out some email in which she agree to give her virginity to her boyfriend, that boyfriend, she was dreaming to marry because of his wealth. And captured close pictures of both of them, because she was alluring him because of her purpose.
So he killed last hope in her heart to make family after it and went to her when Sunita was not there.
Sanskar:" Hey darling! I've a gift for you..." He extended one packet to her.
She opened it and shocked to see the gift. It was closed photos of them, her emails with every boy whom she chatted and yeah one more thing, her recording about Sunita.

Sanskar smirked and set on her table:" Actually... I was confused... I was thinking that which thing become useful for me, show this emails to your parents, who had complete believe on her daughter, show this pictures to your would be husband or give this recording to Sunita"
She was in deep shock and said in weak voice:" I was doing this, just for the  sake of my career"
Sanskar raised his hands:" Oh career! My foot! I've no objection to making your career, but for this you used me and I'll not spare that person who used or insulted me... And you did the both things, so you've to pay for it"
Her face became pale to listen it:" Sanskar! You'll not do that? I'll be destroy... I'll do everything what will you say to me"
She was fresher in this subtle game of lust, Sanskar became wily in it, so how could she defeat him? If he didn't hear her words, he must would know about her betrayal because he didn't believe anyone blindly.
He set on chair and said:" If you beg pardon from me on kneel and hold my feet, then maybe I'll give you a good deal which solve our problem"
Psychology of human being is most complicated thing in this world. He(human, not sanskar) at the same time, claims to love the world and worshipped himself. But if we go inside the mind of human, you'll find him a great worshipper of himself. And always a great intellectual either make person true worshipper of god or himself.
He chose himself in this regard. He was loved himself and believed himself. And every success of him confirmed him that he's a lord  and he should be worshipped. So, it was become great pleasure for him, whenever someone beg to him, beseech to him. Her ego played the melody of triumph when he downed his enemies in front of him. He wanted to see them helpless and this is his great revenge from them that he made them helpless and enjoyed their helplessness.
He did same the thing for puja. Her helplessness was watering on the fire of his rage.
He smirked and lifted her:" Instead of using me for your purpose, you should made a deal of give and take, you give something to me and I'll give you what you want"
She was still watching down but said in high voice:" What could I give you. .? I've nothing"
Sanskar jerked his collar:" Yeah! This is thing, we often defraud person, because we want everything and give nothing. So, you did the same" he caressed her hairs and slowly slowly his hands were moving below her hairs.
Sanskar leaved her:" But I don't believe on this concept, so finally you beseeched from me, so I'm ready to forgive you and forget all this" he pointed out the stuff.:" But I've a condition"
She lifted her face, her eyes were filled with tears, but these tears didn't effect on his heart more:" What is that?"
Sanskar:" Give your virginity to me and I'll not only close this topic but also make arrangement about your fees, tonight, Sunita is going to some party, I already stay in this hotel, but if you feel comfortable, then we can go my home... Choice is yours"
She was starring him in shocked:" How ***** you're!  How can you demand this from me?"
Sanskar:" Look! I'm not using other way to fulfill my desire, I'll give you, your price of one night, your one year fees in college.... This is your choice either you're accepting it or not"
Puja stood up and shouted:" What are you considering me? A prostitute...? What are you repeating the word, give and take, you used yourself for this purpose... So you think that I'll also do the same"
Sanskar looked her in anger(second time insult, he'll not gonna leave her).
He stood up, looked into her eyes and said in a cold voice:" Oh! Miss sachi sawatri! You're going to give your virginity for the purpose of taking pleasure of wealth of your boyfriend? You were alluring me by your body just for the purpose of money... You did the same things with many boys just for the sake of some expensive things...? You girl thought that you were fooling us?, no dear! Actually we're taking pleasure from pose of your body, and because of this, we spend some money on you, this is also prostitution my so called girlfriend! You girls are not think about it, but boys took this thing from you without your awareness!"
His words and cold voice numbed her heart and she just accepted her defeat because his every word was based on truth.
He took his desire from her and throw money on her face.
She was irritated by him all night:" What's the thing you're! You even don't know how to treat a Virgin girl"
Sanskar smiled bitterly:" I'm not good in fresh pieces, I used to eat  stale food, so I put more effort to digest it"
Puja threw his clothes on him:" You're just ****** I wish I'll never see you again"
Sanskar smirked:" You'll not be... Because from next week, this hotel is going to mine, so I don't want to keep employee like you"
He  left her in shock and learned from her that if you want something, just give its price and fulfill your desire. Don't start to thinking to imposed it on yourself. After this incident, he did the same. And last hope of love or making family killed by him after this incident.

I'm hope Ep4

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 4 comments

Umeed... A name of hope, but no matter how optimistic she was, but she was a young girl who could be fed up easily. So, sometimes, she wanted to escape from this environment, anywhere in this world, where no one would know about her and about  her parents. No one will reminded her that how her father used her mother. She soon exhausted from that useless effort because there wasn't any window to inhale properly for her.
Because her siblings were spy of her. Her fb ID was made  up on the number of her brother, so there wasn't any privacy. She got admission in university, when Honey got the admission in bba. She did graduation of two years, so she had to do MBA of four years in university. But there wasn't any special friend of her in university. Just she had a good hello hi with some of girls.
She was fed up from these things, that doesn't mean, she accepted her defeat but she just wanted to relax for some time. Because of that useless effort, she broke many time and gathered herself again and again. She had a hope that she'll win the heart of her family but their hatred was more stubborn than her love.
That time, she wished to make any friend who would hear her every sorrow and grief. That time, she made a new friend... A friend who came from her window, every night and went before rising the sun. That friend was moon of her window.
Only a moon was her best friend, in night she talked with moon which appeared in the window of her room.
She said to moon:" Hey my friend moon! I want to elope from there, any place where no one knows me.... At least no one gives pain to me, where only people recognize me from my name, no one knows me who was my mother and which blood I belonged to from my father side... I'll be only Umeed... A good web and software designer... Umeed..." She was talking slowly slowly like murmuring style to her best friend.
She saw the half part of her share of sky which was only her
She continued:" Where everyone loves me and if they don't love me, then at least I wasn't become like question mark in front of the world"
She was stopped and took a tear from her eyelashes. While talking with moon, she got the idea and she made fake ID of facebook. She put her name of "Mahar mah" in this id because Mahar Mah has the meaning of "moon of love". Because if she didn't have the name of Umeed then she'll have the name of love. If she didn't have the name of hope, she'll have the name of moon... A moon which burned in the color of gold.
She because Cinderella after 12 of night because she was princess of this world where no one knew her and her past. Where she made a world of her imagination and she ruled in that world. She told her friends that her family loved her so much and breathed with her breathing. She was pampered by her brother and her sister had a soul in herself. She was fulfilled her every incomplete desire in this fake world.
She saw the world in her point of view of "what's this?" She said this world as enchanted world and she had only few important characters in this world.
In night time she laughed, she enjoyed every moment from heart and smiled, smiled and smiled. A smile which reached to her eyes and mesmerized anyone from the shine of her eyes. But there was no one who hated her smile.
She pressed keys after entering her wonderland. She put her dp as a girl who painted her face with green and white color on  the cricket tournament.
She was thinking to give statement, when she got the friend request.
She read the name in whispering:" Shayan Chohdari"
She opened his profile, he was studying in oxford, from personality to her educational institute, everything was inspiring but she couldn't inspired by these things. She didn't like that type of artificial people, she was about to delete friend request but she glanced at his status about work:" I don't need to do work, because I've my daddy"
She smiled because his personality showed by in one sentence in front of her.
She accepted the request just for the sake of taking joy from this type of character.
She wrote the message:" Hello! Daddy's boy"
"hello princess Mahar Mah!" A message came after a minute on her screen.
" a special greet to prince" she wrote by her beautiful fingers on magical keys.
A message came:" I'm not a prince! You're a princess, you're highness! From name as well as from style"
Princess smiled to read it and fireflies of her eyes were match with the stars of sky.
She started writing:" Surely! You're prince because you're enjoying your life on the money of King, that's why you don't need to do any work" she ridiculed on him.
She got an answer within a minute:" Actually, prince is on the training, so he's enjoying carefree life, as he entered in practical life, he'll must do work with responsibility"
She set properly because from his words, she got that he was not much careless as she thought about him.
She wrote:" Thus! You're sensible person..."
"yes I'm!" She got the answer.
She smiled and saw the time:" Ok! Now I'm going to sleep, I'll talk to you later, goodnight"
"goodnight and take care your sweet self" an icon of smile came with that sentence.
She again opened his profile and this time she boggled to see his picture, don't know why, but she felt that she saw this man before, might be, she met with that person, but where and when she didn't remind that time. Well! She shook her shoulders with carelessness and shut down her laptop.
She laid down on her bed but she didn't memorized the person... "Shayan Chohdri"  she whispered and closed her eyes with confusion...  Her best friend saw her and smiled because she'll clear her confusion soon.

Yaaram Ep8

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 27, 2016 with 5 comments

Next morning, she talked to Shirley about job that where could she get the job and how?.  Shirley made her understand about some important places and gave her address of that places also.
Firstly, she came to university for getting information about her classes. For this purpose, university faculty arranged the camp where senior students gave their services voluntarily.  All they wore purple and grey shirts, that anyone can recognize them from far.
It was crowded like the Sunday bazar of Pakistan. She could hear the slow voice but fast voice of students which became noise. She searched her counter and took basic information. But there was a problem, a girl who was giving information, she was French so it was difficult to understand her English for Amraha.
She said to a girl:" Please repeat and say it in slow voice, I can't understand"  a girl did the same but Amraha didn't understand this thing.
"Derek! Listen! Help that girl" girl said to her companion with politely.
Derek turned to her and his smile widened to see her. It was the same boy of long nose who was became ask me. Amraha was about to say something but before it, he hide his nose.
Because of his act, Amraha wanted to hit her file on her long nose. She was sure that this boy must make ridicule on her in whole university.
Derek:" Yes! How can I frighten you... I mean to say, how can I help you?"
He was still hiding his nose, Amraha gave him list of his subjects. He took the list from her and he took at least fifteen minutes to write details of everything on the list about the schedule and timing of teachers and classes along with the name of her class fellows and their addresses. He encircled on map and said:" This is your department"
"drop her to her department" he said to that French girl.
Girl was amazed to listen it:" Why? She'll go by herself"
Derek:" No.. She can't go with herself... She gets afraid"
Amraha snatched the list from Derek and went from there. But she could easily heard his laughter behind her. She prayed that she'll not face the people which she met on her first day.
A girl passed from her and said to her:" Do you want any help?" She gave the list to her and she helped her.
She saved from wandering and followed her. She went to her department and saw her classes with timing. She was happy because of the beauty of her classes.
She was go out from the university in the search of job. But it was become hard task to her because she couldn't do job far from university because for it, she will have to pay the rent of bus and she can't save money.
Her classes were started and she couldn't get work till. She was worried about that if she couldn't get the work soon, then she'll have to hear the lecture of Dayem. However, he wasn't wrong from his side but she wasn't wrong on her side too. She was struggling as much as possible for getting job.
One day, she passed from the cafe which was located on the fifteen minutes walk from university. She also came here before but that time she didn't get any answer from there. She saw a board of "vacancy" there. Firstly, she took coffee in cafe and reached the counter. She could easily find work there but there was a problem, and it was really a big problem. She could see waitress who wore the shirt and mini skirt of label of famous coffee company. Means, they were the walking advertisement of that particular company. She didn't has any problem about advertising but she couldn't wear that skirt. But because of her conditions, she couldn't leave this last chance of "vacancy '
She talked to the tall and fat man British man who has  white complexion. He asked some questions to Amraha and said her yes for the job. Instead of felt happiness, she saw him with sadness that she got the job which she might be lose in next minute.
Amraha:" I need this job so much, if I won't get this job, my future will be dark" she was trying to name that British emotional.
Man:" I've hired you on job"
She:" I can't wear this dress, I can wear this shirt on jeans" she pointed out to the waitress.
Man:" You don't need to do this arrangement, you can go now" .
She:" Just for the sake of bright future of this world, can't you ignore this incomplete dress for a girl who tried to complete her education? Can't you give me a favour? Everyone in this world, respect the student"
Man:" I only worry about my own bright future"
She:" Which religion, do you believe?"
He starred him. You couldn't ask question about religion in Europe, they can offence.
Man:" I'm Jewish"
Amraha numbed  to listen it. She starred him for a minute.
Man:" Stop starring me and go from there"
She:" Look Mr! If you give me this job, everyone will praise about you that you  gave the job to muslim girl and respect about her values... You know etc etc"
Man:" What's etc etc?"
She:" Praise... More praise... You'll receive the cordially of people" .
Man:" I only love to sit on my own chair"
She:" Think about for a while, this is university area,  how much students will respect you, may be.. No I'm sure they'll invite you on the annual convocation day.. And you'll have chance to give your speech... This type of day will never come in your life again..'
Man:" I'm not interested to go on convocation"
She:" If you'll go there, you'll feel interst there"
He stopped and hit the surface of counter from his fingers. His blue eyes became more blue.
She:" I heard that British is most kindhearted people"
Man:" I'm polish"
Amraha:" Oh! I thought that you're polish! Polish's people is famous for their human friendly nature. Those who come first for helping and serving people..."
Man:" Does your tongue  always run like that?"
Amraha:" No.. It's effect of your coffee, which I took here, you can keep me for one week trail"
Man:" Then what will happen?"
She:" I can bet, when people will see the Muslim lady in full dress, then people will attract towards your cafe, because they'll think that owner of this cafe has broken the rules for humanity"
He again hit the counter from his fingertips of his both hands:" Oh really?"
"sure! You can examine it" by saying this, we should counter her influence from evil eye.
Man:" Ok! You can come from tomorrow.. But you'll get half of real"
Amraha:" I'm agree... By the way, do you guess that how many people come in this cafe every day?" Amraha's wit was increasing.
Man:" I've been running this cafe from ten years.. I can recognise new customer at one glance"
Amraha:" I mean to say if more people will come here.."
"then I'll get know" he smiled by pressing his eyes inside and this smile was  freeze on her.
When she came home, she talked to Shirley and everyone about it that they've to come cafe tomorrow with their friends. Except Hana, everyone promised to her that they'll try to come with one or two friends there. Next morning, she also went to Dayem and Nawal and told them truth. Dayem saw her face with amazed for a minute:" you did this with much cleverness... Didn't you?"
Amraha shook her shoulder:" I had no option"
Dayem:" I'll tell my friends and class fellows also... How many day of this trial is?"
Amraha:" Of one week... If 8 to 10 people will come, then it'll be ok"
Dayem:" No.. This is less.. At the last day, I'll increase it to forty"
Amraha:" This is fine"
Then it was happen like that first day, ten people, second day fifteen, then eighteen, twenty... Twenty five and at last day, totally 50 students were come there for taking coffee.
And most interesting thing was that they performed very well. They took coffee and went to  counter:" How noble you're!" Someone said with smile.
"you gave job to muslim woman without any difference" one said.
Other said:" How can we find the human friendly people like you?"
3rd said:" We'll praise you to our principal about to invite you on convocation day"
4th one:" You're such an angel... We can't find this type of people in this world" .
Other:" We'll come daily here for coffee"
He was smiled during 6th days of their performance. But said on last day:" I saw may dramas in my life, but this was splendid performance which was done by university students"
She was shocked to see him because she thought that her plan was successful
He:" You can't fool a businessman"
"right" she said in weak voice.
GE:" But... You can impress the businessman... Right?"
"right" she smiled.
" Look miss walnut! I can't keep you here" this time he was serious and Amraha also. Her happiness vanished at once.
He:" Company is paying me for this dress and the fifty percent shares has also owned by the company... But you impress me.. And I'm now interesting to go on convocation day, so I can keep you on job temporary.. Until you'll get other job, but if company will object about it, I'll have to dismiss you from job immediately"
She:" Company will not have objection about it'
He:" Why? How do you know?"
She:" Because I'll pray"
He:" Why don't you pray that you get a good job"
She:" I also pray about it too, but now it's also my duty to pray about it"
He smiled softly to listen it.
She:" And don't call me walnut.. Yeah! You can call me pine nut.. I like them most"
She was continuously talking in happy mood. Outside, there was a bright night on the road of Manchester. Whenever darkness become white.. Nights become bright then many buds blow in the soil of life. And these buds spread fragrance... Fragrance which was come from flowers and fruits.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

I'm hope Ep3

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 26, 2016 with 3 comments

It was time of evening when someone came to her and lifted her head from her knees. It was her dadi, she saw and hugged her and again started to show her hand to dadi but there was no color of butterfly on her hands. It was fed color.
Dadi kissed on her forehead and put her head on her lap. She wasn't ask any explanation from her and just caressed her hairs.
After a while she lifted her head and looked to the old face of her only angel.
Umeed:" Dadi..."
Dadi looked her with love and said:" Yes! My doll..."
" why daddy always angry on me?"
Dadi sighed and looked her innocent face.
She again said:" I didn't do anything, he was my friend, we went there just for catching butterflies... Nothing else" her eyes are evident of her emotions.
Dadi overwhelmed and hugged her tight:" I know my child.. You're not a bad girl, Bahroz(daddy) was misunderstood you, and you'll see that one day, he'll love you more than anything"
Umeed looked into her eyes:" Really??"
Dadi patted her face:" Yes my dear! But you've to promise me that you'll never do anything which break his trust on you"
Umeed:" I promise, I'll not do anything"
Dadi:" And who was that boy?"
Umeed told everything about Faraz.
Dadi listened carefully and said:" Listen to me carefully my daughter... You know you're at the age of danger, this is age delicate like crystal, and you've to put effort to keep clear of this crystal otherwise people take you wrong"
Umeed understood her some words and some not. She was making her understand that how to become a good girl and how to become pride of her parents. Umeed memorized her every words.
When she finished, Umeed asked one question from her:" Dadi! Am I not the daughter of daddy?"
Dadi sighed and said:" It's right time to tell you truth, no you're not real daughter of him, you're daughter of my daughter mean his sister Sonia. He loved his sister or your mom so much, he went against the society and educated her in university but she eloped with someone...."
Umeed whispered:" With my dad...?"
Dadi:" Yes! I feel sorry to say that my doll, your dad wasn't good man, he allured her for the sake of money, but when he thought that she couldn't give her anything, he tried to kill her.."
Umeed was shocked to listen it. Dadi continuously caressed her hairs.
Dadi:" Your mother  called us for saving her, she was of her ninth month, when we reached there, someone was cut her throat, we took her to the hospital but she was died.... But it was miracle, you come out alive from her tummy... That's why I gave you name of Umeed"
Umeed started to cry after listening it:" Was it my father who murder her?"
Dadi:" We don't know who murdered her... You daddy thought that it was your father, but this mystery was died with your mother"
Umeed wiped her tears and tried to smile:" That's a reason daddy hates me?"
Dadi nodded in yes... Umeed hugged her and said:" But I promise, I'll make him feel about my love, he'll love me soon and I'll take care her like a good daughter"
Dadi kissed on her forehead:" I believed you can do my angel"
Umeed smiled:" Yes I can do dadi! You're my nani, but I love daddy so much I'll always call you with the reference of him.... I don't know dadi! But I love him so much, whenever he gives me one glance of love, I feel happy all day, I don't know why, but you told about that some other person is my father but I don't want to accept this fact because I love daddy and I only look him as my father"
Dadi smiled:" Yeah! He's your father, forget about what I told you, no one knows this fact, except few relatives and don't show them that you know everything... Always consider Bahroz as your father... Will you?"
Umeed smiled lovingly:" Yeah! I'll and I'll always make him happy"
Dadi:" I believe my doll will be do this task too"
It's very difficult to gain the trust which we lost once. But it's more difficult, if we never gained the trust of someone. Moreover, it's very hard to believe that whether we'll gain the trust or not in this hard situation. Umeed got know this fact at the entrance of her teenage.
She got the admission in girls high school and that's why the distance between her and honey was increased.
Her elder brother Arman loved her, if he had mood, then he also played with her but he didn't trust on her.
But she didn't want to accept her defeat, from her early age, she had taken the many responsibilities of her siblings. She always wished every person on his birthday first. Dadi also supported her but,when she leaved school, dadi passed away.
But she always taught her to the tips of winning heart of her family. Hardship was in her vein as well as blood. She put effort in her study and her family too. After intermediate, she wanna take IT, but because of her daddy, she took business subjects.
Soon, she checked account if daddy, made bank slip of him. She researched about the rival companies by watching business news and internet. When daddy reached home, she made coffee for both of them. And both talked about business world and new ideas about business.
However, they've servants in home, but she reheated the meal for her daddy whenever he came late.
He did many little works of her family, but it didn't make any change in their behaviour. She also wanted to be close with mummy but mummy never gave her this chance. Actually her mother's character in her life was like mute actor. She only talked to her when she needed.  Otherwise she stayed normal with her. She was careless and self-centred woman but she neither hate not love Umeed.
But there's one personality in her house, who was same like mummy but she was sensitive but jealous girl. It was her so called younger sister Romana. She commonly stayed normal with her "Umeed Aapi" but whenever she observed that Umeed was taking some important in house. The flame of fire of jealousy was burned in her heart, she became restless that time and wanted to snatch that importance from her without the care of the struggle of Umeed which Umeed endeavoured in the winning the heart of her family.
She was jealous from her success, specially when someone gave reference of Umeed to her. But she was subtle player, she didn't want to spoil her image in the eyes of others. She did not only want to lighten the color of Umeed but she wanted to vanish the color of Umeed in everyone's mind.
But she didn't know that destiny will soon give her chance of it, which will not only Umeed but also burn her in the fire of jealousy.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love ep33

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 25, 2016 with 14 comments

Sanskar looked himself in mirror  and a tear of helplessness had broken from his eyelashes which he threw far from his eyes because it was last tear which came into his eyes. God made him for conquering world, not for shedding tears.
He hardly arranged money for calling Laksh, nowadays, he was in abroad for study.
Sanskar:" Lucky! I need some amount of money, do you know someone, who can borrow me money"
Laksh:" Bhai! How much?"
Sanskar:" 5 lacs approximately"
Laksh:" Let me confirm from my friends, I'll call you later"
He didn't know, how, but laksh arranged money for him. His friend came and gave him money because he demanded cash.
He got the money and he rented a home and bought some stuff with bike.
Now he had known what was his first step should be. He set out the PC and researched about one particular company. "Desuza and co"
He went to salon and set his condition. He looked himself, now he looked like old Sanskar. He stopped... No.. He could never look like old Sanskar ..  Never.
He went to his university, exams of his second last semester was going on. He calmly gave his exams and started his mission.
He called Harshad:" Hey harshad! Where are you? some day, you offered me something"
Harshad:" Oh! That offer, I don't know about it, either it's still available or not, do you wanna do?"'
Sanskar thought for a moment:" Ok! You don't need to confirm it, I'm coming to your office, you should do one thing"
Harshad:" What's that?"
Sanskar told him, what he should do.
He went to Desuza and co for his job interview but actually there's no job interview was going on.
Mrs. Desuza:" Look Mr Maheshwari, we didn't advertise for vacancy, and you're so young and under graduate, how can we give you job?"
Sanskar smirked:" You can keep me on one month trial, (he downed his head to her and looked into her eyes).." That time someone came knock the door.
It was Harshad. According to their plan, he boggled to see him there:" Oh Sanskar you there?"
He turned to Mrs Desuza:" This is a boy, I talked about last month"
Eyes expression of Mrs Desuza changed at once..
She looked him with deep eyes and said:" So... You were the boy? So do you want job instead of accepting my offer?"
Sanskar smirked:" Ok let's change the deal, keep me as your personal assistant and I'll accept your offer.... But just a minute... Sanskar's price isn't so low that he'll accept your offer just because of job of your PA" he put his leg on other and folded his hands.
Mrs Desuza's interest raised in him and said:" Tell me the demand"
Sanskar smiled victoriously:" Ok I'll think about my demand, but nowadays I'm bit busy in looking new home for me"
Mrs Desuza thought for a moment:" I've apartment, you can stay there"
Sanskar looked into her eyes:" Are you consider me as beggar? Yeah if you want to give me that apartment, don't give me a key of that apartment, I want also its papers on my name"
Mrs Desuza shocked to listen him:" You know its price? Your demand is too high..." .
Sanskar:" I'm also too high Mrs Desuza! If you want me, give me the right price"
Mrs. Desuza thought for a while and extended her hands towards him:" Ok! I'm agree, but your duty will start from today, as my PA plus also as my toy boy"
Sanskar twisted his head and held her hand:" Deal is final but first give me my price"
Mrs Desuza smiled again but this time his smile was replete with intoxication:" I'll give you papers in the evening"
Sanskar nodded:" You should be, because don't consider me like other boys"
He was telling truth because he didn't like other's boys. Before accepting the deal of become toy boy, he did complete research on this topic "how to conquer old age woman on bed". He went to prostitute many time to being himself strong because, he didn't want to show his slovenliness to her.
Firstly, he had an aversion from this things, but slowly slowly, he became used to it. He wanted to do it perfectly. Firstly, after completion of his duty, he looked himself in mirror and split on his reflection for doing this dirty job. But whenever he thought about his insult, he forgot all things and just concentrated on his goal.
He sold the apartment and purchased the small house far from the city and returned his liability. Then he didn't want to live in the crowd of the world that's why he considered that house. It was very difficult to seek that type of house. But if you seek something, you might be get it. But... If seeker is like him... He must be seek everything what he wanted.
After sometime, he became used to this, now he stopped the activity of splitting on his reflection and he didn't feel aversion.
After a month, he changed the house and didn't give the address of Mrs Desuza.
Mrs Desuza became crazy for him because he wasn't like any other toy boy, she had before.
Our hero has great combination of wits and beauty... The blessing as well curse of nature. But one more thing made him different from other boys, she had before.... You know what was that?
His class, because he belonged to wealthy and valuable family of the city. If you have time, must note this thing, every child of rich man has a strange attraction and charm. No matter, if anybody earn so much money and become rich but he can't get this charm which the rich children is  possessed by naturally.
He was also has this type of charm and attraction, he didn't react like lower class boys after seeing any expensive things. His style, his way of sophistication, a unique type of indifference encircled him which made him different from others and made her crazy for him.  Because how many boys of upper class become toy boy of any old woman? Answer is no one...
He started to cash himself and didn't go to visit Mrs Desuza. She became restless and he wriggled his plan.
Mrs. Desuza:" Why aren't you coming nowadays?"
Sanskar was checking the files of new client, lifted his head and again concentrated on file.:" Because of leasing of your house is over now"
Mrs. Desuza:" What do you mean over now? Do you know the price of that house?"
Sanskar closed the file and looked into her eyes:" Do you know the price of mine? You can only get this, in this price, you gave....."
Mrs Desuza shouted:" Sanskar, you don't know me"
Sanskar smirked and looked into her eyes:" You don't know me Mrs Desuza! I learned the skill of blackmailing from you, I can apply this thing on you also"
She became cold to listen it:" What's your next demand?"
Sanskar smiled victoriously:" That's like an intelligent woman ..... You started new company which is run by your loser husband"
Mrs desuza sat on her chair:" Yeah! Then?"
Sanskar:" I want 20% shares of this company with job of that company in marketing department"
Mrs Desuza:" Why do you want share of this company? It's not giving me any favourable profit, specially there's no goodwill in market of this company"
Sanskar:" I told you sweetheart! With job there, but I'll not job under your loser husband, you gave me share and I'll give you my wit"
Mrs Desuza jerked:" Wit? If I want brain... There's so many talented people scattered in our country,  I want body dear... Not mind"
Sanskar:" Ok! Accept my brain then you'll get your demand too... But only with shares"
Mrs Desuza:" You're unbelievable... You know I cant stay more, so you're taking advantage of my weakness"
Sanskar:" This is a world darling! You also take advantages of other's weakness, so is it bad , if I took the same from you?"
Mrs desuza laughed:" Everything for you...."
He gave her calm expression, her company, taught him two things, one how to control over emotions because he felt hatred for himself many time, he hated that woman also, he didn't know anything about lust, but he showed himself whom he was not. He controlled his emotions many time just for the achieving his goal. Second he learned how to take advantages from the weakness of others. This woman did same thing, she sought out weakness of people and blackmail them for taking out her work. He also did the same because he was master mind of his planes.
Sometimes, he wondered to see himself that what he was in past and what he became now. But at the end, he concluded that how could he waste himself on the destiny of footpath? God made him for ruling the world, not for live his life like a worm of gutter.
He had two options, he chose one because his instinct did not allow him to live in this stoop level of society. If he couldn't get everything from a straight way, so let's take it from other way...
Firstly,  he felt guilt every day because of his deeds, but as the passage of time, his guilt of heart was decreasing and joy of victory and fire of hatred and revenge took place in his heart. As he had been getting known about society and people, he concluded that every person is living in this society, wearing a mask. And he saw the ugliest faces of them behind the mask, that time he decided that how much he'll do bad, but he never wear a mask.

Yaaram Ep7

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 25, 2016 with No comments

She came out from canteen and searching the corner where no one can see her but because of welcome week, she was unable to do so. It was crowded as crowd of mall road on 14th August. Specially on Regal chock and Chaman.
She sat on green area, downed her face and started crying.
It was first day of her university and she came here with special preparation. She put liner and mascara. She only used two things mostly at the name of makeup. Because of her continuously crying, it was split on her face. She didn't have tissue and she didn't want to wipe her face with her white dupatta. She wiped her face with fingers as much as she could  but her face was going black because of it. When she was full of crying, she stood up and went towards crowd of student. She knew, she was looking funny with this black face but she didn't care for it.
A student passed through to her, she asked to him:" I need a job"
Boy:" Job... I don't have job"
Amraha:" Idiot... I need job, how do I get it?"
"oh! Job... I also have to search it" he leaved by saying it.
She also met with three to four student and talked same with them also. She stood up at the corner and started observing to the students.
They were talking, giggling and laughing . They were excited and enthusiastic. Their face was shined. But she was the only girl among those forty thousand students, who was stood free and starting to cry again. She was wasting her golden time. She reminded that she should be walk also. Then she reminded that she has to get her student card, maybe she get this card only today otherwise university's faculty throw out her from the university.
She mixed herself in the rally of excited students and walked like fool. Wandered here and there, from one campus to other like she was gone university for survey on historical building, not for study.
"I think you're searching something?" A boy, wore dark purple shirt and held the board of "ask me", asked from her. She passed from him many time but she didn't noticed him.
He:" Ask from me, I'll help you"
She got it now that this was a reason he held the board of ask me. She thought that he was doing this because of promotion of any website.
"I wanna make my student card" she said and looked his long nose.
"well! This is very easy, go there" he pointed out to one point in map.
"have a nice day" he smiled and by doing this his long nose was spread. She looked again his nose.
"do you wanna know something else?" He confused because she was continuously starring his nose.
Now she was looking the map which she held. And this map was first map of any building which she held except of those maps in her books. She could use this map for losing his way in university but she couldn't reach the exact point by that map.  She was wandering with map here and there without any use and reason. She didn't want to listen any lecture from anyone. And she also had doubt that might Nawal and Dayem were following her nd observing that either she'll do this task or not.
Ask me person noticed her activity and said:" Why dont you go yet?"
Amraha:" I'm not getting the way"
He:" I marked that place, read out the boards and you'll reach there"
Amraha:" Drop me there"
He widened his eyes:" What. .?" He made her understand the way.
Amraha:" Actually I can't get... Drop me... And also I'm fearing"
He was shocked like that he saw his dead relative in front of him:" Fear...? Which fear? Today isn't Halloween"
"I'm fearing from them" she pointed out to students who related to different nations.
Firstly, he starred her with amazed then he laughed vigorously on her. Then he took out walki talki and said:" Listen George! An Indian girl..."
"Pakistani.." She scowled.
"George! A Pakistani girl.. Blue and white."
Amraha:" Dark blue shirt and white dupatta"
He:" Dark blue shirt and white"
Amraha:" Dupatta"
He:" Do..paa..taa, she'll come and refer her ahead untill she'll reach on student card counter"
"why refer? Who has so much time for it?" She could hear the voice of George.
He:" She's fearing"
George:" Fear..? What the joke?"
He:" She's completely serious..otherwise make announcement in university that all students go out from university until she will get university card..are you listening George?"
George was surely listening because she could hear his laughter. She jerked that no one was understanding her.
He:" Go to this side and approach second ask me" he pointed out right side, she went and stood with second ask me.
Ask me looked her and said:" How can I help you" (this ask me is the hero of our heroine, name as Aliyan)  it means, he wasn't George.
She:" I wanna make student card"
He:" Ok! Take this map and go to that side" he made circle on that place.
Amraha:" I don't need map"
Aliyan:" Then? Faculty don't arrange airbus here yet"
Amraha jerked... They're so clever.
Amraha:" Drop me to there"
He:" Why me? You'll get your way easily, by the way, I tell you, I'm"aske me" not "drop you"
Amraha:" I am not getting the way"
Aliyan:" Everyone is seeking the way.. You'll also get"
Amraha:" All are clever, cunning.. And subtle... I'm not like that... I'm timid" she said in Urdu and got silent. She shook her shoulder like that can't find way.
Aliyan:" Everyone is intelligent, responsible, educated and specially they're believe on themselves." He answered in Urdu. She lifted her head and looked the person who had deep brown eyes and his complexion was reddish white. His ears were long, extra long.
His walki talki sounded:" Blue shirt, white  Pakistani, if you see her, refer her ahead"
Amraha:" I'm tired by walking, I also feel hunger and how much will you refer me ahead?"
Aliyan:" Is this your first day?"
Amraha:" Yes!"
Aliyan:" This is your first day, and this is our third day while holding this board of "ask me" and still I don't tire"
Amraha:" You're boy"
Amraha:" The girls are also not tired" he pointed out the girl who was standing far from them and holding the board of "ask me". She guided the students in a fast way.
He:" You're not giving favour on us by asking questions, this is we're, who are giving favour on you, not you're, we're tired actually! We're voluntarily working, you can't order us, if you're tire then go to cinema and watch tom and jerry. You'll get relax.."
Amraha:" You should learn manners"
Aliyan:" Then you should learn to relax"
She asserted:" I'm a brave girl"
"best of luck!" He said and turned his face to other side like now go.
She went other side and asked from other girl. Finally she had reached to student counter. And after submitted her documents? She sat in front of digital camera for picture.
Counter sir extended his head to her and said:" Do you lost something?"
She:" Nope"
Sir:" Then smile.. You're in Manchester"
She:" Then we've to smile Manchester too"
Sir:" Sure! Because Manchester forces us to smile, there's no chance of sadness, this is place of world's swans".
She smiled.
"black swan" she listened the murmur and her picture was captured.
"not this one... One more please" she said from her place without moving.
This time, she smiled and became white swan. Because this time she was smiled from her heart. And that smile which she learned from there.
Because she was used to crying because everyone put this habit into her. Crying on every minor things. They have hobby of making her cry. And she leaved her heart, because no one learned her to widen her heart. Because this type of environment she is given by everyone. She was habitual of this environment. No one learned her that if we could creep on this earth, same as we can also walk with pride on this earth. She was crept, cried every time. Even she spent her life like this if she didn't come here. Because no one said her:" You're flying bird dear... Fly.. Just fly.."
But she was said by everyone that she was unfortunate, unlucky and black tongue, evil eyed. As she entered in the entrance of Manchester university, she learned something else:" Smile... That no day is made for crying.."
"fly... Because only those don't have right who has feathers"
"and be spread like fragrance that you're the only best flower in garden"
" you can do anything... You've everything, everything is in your hand... Stop breathing in the atmosphere of despair and failure"
She was so happy after getting card. She thanked counter sir. Just! It was just minor thing.
She understood that why this university included in the great universities of world. This university taught her from creeping to walking. Responsibility, confident, ability to depend on herself.
She saw her black eyes and laughed. She was excited. That doesn't matter if she looked ugly. Because everyone salute to people of brain. Not of beautiful faces. And put the brain on work, wasn't a hard task. Everything was easy and in range. It was in the fists of her. She went out from department. It was bright day, soft breeze was blowing her hairs softly. She longed her bag's strip and put on it in cross style(right to left) like other's students and walked confidently.
"Amraha Wajid" was joined the race of gold medalist. She didn't sit on the seats of audience.  She even didn't have seat there.
She was walking straight on oxford road. She ate small portion of breakfast in morning. She was also feel hungry but she wasn't going for eating something.  She was going in the search of the job. There are crowd of students outside also like  inside. After walking sometimes, she saw a church, she wanted to visit church but she was walked on her way that she was now spend two years there, then she'll visit these all places but if she don't get the job, she has to return back after a month. Till the end of road, she didn't find any place of work. She saw the shop of "Abdul Hadi halal food" she went there, her legs were shivering because of continuously walking. But she didn't care about it, she talked to counter boy. He replied to her that there's no vacancy.
"is there any Chance of vacant place... After two weeks?"
He:" No.. Maybe after a year, when I'll leave this job"
She went to next store "pick and click". It was computer store and she didn't know the work of computer repairing. So it was clear that they didn't give her job while other girls were doing work of computer repairing.
She was also gone to the every small and big stores and restaurants of pizza and burger. Firstly, she could observe her fast heartbeat and shivering legs but at the end of day, it was getting normal, and her tongue became sharp to talk about job. She was tired but she didn't stop. She felt hungry but because of saving money, she didn't buy anything from outside. And she also did that she asked lift from a girl who is riding cycle. She showed the address to her.
She said:" I can drop you till main road but tube to go ahead by your foot"
Now she didn't feel funny while riding on cycle. She felt pain in stomach because of hunger. But she didn't want to cry or she didn't feel sad or sorrowful. Even she didn't pity on herself.
In morning, during crossing those bright and historical buildings, she was Amraha Wajid. And now again passing through from same surrounding, she was still Amraha Wajid but it was inner changing came into her. Some changing came and some will come soon.
She came home and ate her dinner which was held on counter. There wasn't anyone at home that time. Everyone went to their work. She ate lunch at the time of dinner. She was get fresh and slept. After two hours, she got up and started study. Everybody came one by one and got sleep. But she was studying while waking.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Swasan A path hate to love Ep32

Posted by Saba Shiekh on January 24, 2016 with 25 comments
Present time in school
Shanaya lifts her face and looked her innocent face, her eyes are clear as crystal. And only pure heart has this type of eyes, she knows and she wishes in her heart that may god safe the innocence of these eyes.
Swara is waiting of her words and she slowly departs her lips and words are coming out from them:" It was exams of my last semester, I was so happy, I had many plans about my future, I tried many places for job as well as scholarship for further study.
Everything was perfect in my life, I heard that sanskar leaved that place because of Meera and Meera was happy with her new husband, I met with her once... But it was time of my last exams, I was preparing for my exams and few sums were not solved by me , so I concerned from my teacher, he told me to come his home for extra classes, he gave classes to many students at home but I was worried because I didn't have money for tuition but he told me that he knows I'm scholarship student and he'll teach me without any fee, I was grateful to him and in evening I reached on address, I was wondered that why was professor living in unpopulated place with his family, I went inside....." She paused  and collects more words:" He opened the door and I found some more students there but I was confused because they were senior of mine... In which I knew one boy who was leader of his club but he completed his study,he many times, tried to flirt with me but I was cleared in my thought so I wasn't involve in these types of things and he wasn't nice boy too.
Avinash came to me and held my hands:" Finally! I got you baby"
Anjali:" Leave my hands (I turned to sir) sir! Look at him, he's..."
Sir laughed:" Take her avi! And remind that we've also contributed in this good work..." He laughed and I looked him with great shock, he was my teacher and I really respect him....
Avinash took me from bedroom.." She stopped and tried to control her tears:" It is easy to read in newspapers that girl becomes the victim of gang rape but it's more than that... Not only him, my teacher and his three friends, I dont remember how many times but those bas***d used me.. And you know..the pain is much more than imagination.... They beasts gnaw me all night and I was like.... " The tears are flowing  from her eyes and she looks into her eyes. Swara can feel the deep pain in her eyes. She second time sees  her in pain, first when she was afraid because of Sanskar.
She wipes her tears and tries to smile:" But don't worry dear! I'm Shanaya, I wasn't girl like who attempts suicide or spends their life with those tears... I didn't know how much time I spent in hospital, how much time I spent to recover from the pain which they gave me, but I was only the person who was with me, who tried to recover myself, who tried to push to me come forward in my life, but you know what I was completed lost after that day, my uncle's threw me from his house, I didn't have anything to do, that time I started job as a personal assistant of a rockstar Vicky, I was more than his personal assistant.... I've changed my name and burned my documents... So only he gave me job, not because of my talent because of my beauty, I thought, I've to live this life. So what's the problem, if live like this but then I met with Sanskar, he was completely changed that time and he introduced me the new world and showed me the new way  of living... You know what was the way?"
Swara wipes her tears and looks the girl who look sooo brave and says:" What was that?"
Shanaya looks into her eyes and says:" The way of revenge" Swara numbs to listen her tone and her words.
Sanskar spent many days in shock, he didn't believe that his katty, his love leaved him just for the sake of money. He broke many times and collected his pieces many times.
He went his home in the hope of  returning to his old life. It was a function in his house, when he entered the house.
His mom came to him and held his hand:" What are you doing here Sanskar?" He thought that she'll hug him and happy to see him but she was only worry about guests that someone might not see him.
Sujata brought him in corner's room and bade papa and his dad also came here.
Bade papa:" Oh! Finally your so called wife leaved you and what are you doing here now? I told you that there's no place for you, where's your great words that you will do everything without our help... Now go and get your dreams..."
He looked down and didn't understand what to say, his inner ego stopped him to ask apology or admit his mistake.
He looked to his parents but bade papa stopped them:" Before going to him, remember that your daughter's engagement is going on and her in law wouldn't like the brother like him  who has eloped with lower class girl... Now the decision in your hands, son or daughter?"
He leaved the house without saying any words because he didn't want to examine their love or ruin the happiness of his sister.
He was still in great shock, he didn't understand what to do and how to curse himself or his destiny.
He went to his cottage but he was shocked to see the condition of surrounding. The new problem was standing in front of him and this problem was much bigger than another problems in his life. Now he will know that what's the life and how it will examine the man.
Landlord of cottage was throwing his stuff from cottage. By the way, he wasn't have so much stuff, some few necessary things which he bought from his salary.
Sanskar:" What are you doing?"
Landlord:" You didn't pay rent from 3 months and now you've to leave this house"
Sanskar:" Just give me few more days, I'll return your rent"
Landlord:" I already gave you many days, now it's enough..."
He collected his stuff and tried to collect himself too because this shock was also breaking him.
That time, he first time, laid down on footpath and the cold floor of footpath didn't give him peace for a moments.
Bade papa already send laksh to abroad and he tried to help him but bade papa was kept his eyes on him and his account activities, so he couldn't send him money but he tried very hard to help him.
He has left few pennies to spend and it was so much time spent,  he didn't eat something.
He tried for his job many places, time was passing and even he didn't have single penny to spend. Laksh was also trying best to help him, he hoped that his family will help him but they forgot like that they never had any son.
That time, when extreme hunger was placing in his body, he reminded Harshad, who was also the waiter with him but one day, he looked him with luxury lifestyle and he also offered him to live that lifestyle if he joint his hands to him. But after listening his way of making money, he denied but that time, he obmy thought about money and food.
He looked himself in the mirror of shop, that was a night and everyone was sleeping on footpath but he didn't have habit of it.
He talked to himself:" Look Sanskar! This is you and your place in this life..." He reminisced the time when everything was perfect in his life. He thought the words of bade papa, betrayal of Meera and thought that how was he ruining himself. He sighed and decided that now it doesn't matter that it will be bad or good,he just wanted revenge from everyone who contributed to ruin his life.